Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Furlough Talk

Well, here we go again! I thought 3 years ago when I joined the DOD family I had job security. I thought "this is it! I'm set for the next 20 years or so"...don don don (music)

Life has a funny way of telling you or having you question yourself "Is this really what I"m suppose to be doing" "What's my purpose on this planet" ???????

As I was driving to work this morning over the wonderful construction filled EI Bridge, I myself and to God - what if I do lose my job? And you know's ok. It's always been ok. I have no control over the government (another FANTASTIC reason to go off the grid...just saying) so why stress over it. I have always bounced back. I'm a fighter, a survivor. Whatever is thrown my way I will prevail - BOOM.

If you have been absent from the USA or never watch the news, or read the paper here is what's happening in my world of DOD...this has been the language and emails the last month Furlough, sequestration....

1. Q: What is a furlough?

A: A furlough is the placing of an employee in a temporary nonduty, nonpay status because of lack of work or funds or other nondisciplinary reasons. Under the current fiscal circumstances, administrative furloughs may be required due to a reduction in funding.

2. Q. What is an administrative furlough?

A. An administrative furlough is a planned event by an agency that is designed to absorb reductions necessitated by downsizing, reduced funding, lack of work or any other budget situation other than a lapse in appropriations. Furloughs that would potentially result from sequestration would generally be considered administrative furloughs.

3. Q: What is sequestration?

A: Sequestration is an across-the-board reduction in Federal budgetary resources in all budget accounts that have not been exempted by statute. Under the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, as amended by the Budget Control Act of 2011 and the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, across-the-board reductions are scheduled to take effect on March 1, 2013, unless legislation is enacted that avoids such reductions. If it occurs, this sequestration will reduce each agency’s budgetary resources in non-exempt accounts for the remainder of the fiscal year (which runs through September 30, 2013).

Meaning come April 2013 1 or 2 things will be happening.. 1- i will lose 16 hours each pay period from my pay check or 2- lose my job. Oh and definitely no traveling and going TAD this year for trips to Cali this year for me... :(

But have no fear - I have a back up plan. Thank God I have other talents/skills and faith and a kick ass support system...oh and no kids.. well drake.. so that's it in a nut shell...
