Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Our Generation

AHHHHH Christmas is over!

Although I wasn't in the whole spirit of Christmas this year I was able to enjoy every ounce of the true meaning of friendship, family, and all that jazz. For us here on the coast we actually got snowed in, well not me per say, but some of the family did; up to 11 inches whoaaa! So, they were unable to make it to our Day after Christmas Lunch or what I like to call Sunday Funday! :) So for our Sunday Funday event it was local friends, old friends, mom, and myself! Oh, and don't forget the house of dogs!!! It was a wonderful way to celebrate or enjoy the Christmas cheer, that and the bottles of wine that oh so easily disappeared hahaha. Apples to Apples, football, wine = an awesome Christmas Sunday Funday!!

So as I missed the family a little, I got to thinking and asking my other friends about family...some have big ole families, some have itty bitty families like myself. So I asked what is the true meaning of "family"? For me it's not about the biological ties one has to each other. I think it has always been like that for me. I remember growing up with just mom and me, and always having people in and out of the house; we always had someone living with us that wasn't biologically tied to us.

The older I get the more and more I learn to cherish my friendships. I mean truly and dearly cherish them, and not take them for granted, because one doesn't really know if we will see each other again. As a teenager, all I wanted was to be with my friends, and now those close knit friends have become my family. It's a special bond, a love like no other. It's a different love then you have for your biological family. I mean don't get me wrong I LOVE LOVE LOVE my mom, she's my world - all the sacrifices, hard work, she has done for me...whoooooaaa. Maybe it was my recent 10 year High School Reunion that started bringing up these feelings too...hmmm bc oh boy did we have a good time and saw some people I haven't seen in 10 years.. where did the time go...anyways.
So my point I'm trying to make is for my generation my friends = my family. For each friend there is a different feeling or love I have for them, and in the end it's all LOVE. Maybe it's just my generation that feels the way I do, or maybe it's just me...
The True Meaning of Christmas for me this year was opening my home, my heart, and arms to my family. This year for the first time I was able to spoil my mom like crazy (prob because I didn't have a stupid boyfriend to waste my money on), open my home to a very dear friend in need, cook a big ole feast for the fam, and celebrate with some awesome kick ass people! Even though I was missing my HB, she was with me in spirit..mostly because I was showing off the kick ass gift she gave me..A PINK FISHING ROD THAT LIGHTS UP WHEN YOU REEL IT IN!!! awesome! The Christmas Spirit found me after all :)

Now onto New Years.....

Until Next Time ~ Prost

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