Monday, August 13, 2012

Another Fallen Alumni RIP

Death sucks. We're born, we live, we die..fact of life. It's a never ending circle of life. Death never gets easier - I don't care what your therapist says. I've been dealing with death since the age of 3. And I am convinced my high school is cursed with the grim reaper as the mascot...not the pirate. I can't even keep track anymore of all of the fallen SHS alumni and those who didn't make it to graduate. Every year it's not just one or's 3-4 or 6.. this shit is crazy. Your friends and classmates are not supposed to be dying off when you're still in your late 20's and 30s...this happens when we actually get old...older. I mean who's next? Could be anyone of us...we never know. It puts shit in perspective real quick, you know? I mean I was bummed I didn't make it to reggae fest this weekend, and bummed I missed Matt's bday...all the while people are dying. You could say life's not fair, but is it? We live and learn. How we live determines what we learn and how we grow...If it wasn't for death how would we appreciate the little time we have with each other?
Dying never gets eaiser to deal with and hearing about the news of a fellow classmate never gets eaiser.. you would think by now we would all be numb to the fact we have lost so many. No, sir. My mouth still drops, breathing is hard, the heart skips a beat, my throat has that stupid lump in it, and then I cry behind close doors. How precious life really is. . . I am so grateful to be alive today. Grateful for my mom. Grateful for my family and my cousin Ang who is my sister. Grateful for Matt and Drake. Grateful for my friends who are here and who have passed. But we must keep swimming. Keep trucking along. Keep living for ourselves and for those who can't. Keep loving. Loving ourselves, others, and the planet. And with that...I ask you all to pick up the phone today and tomorrow and everyday and call one person to just say hey dude, I love you. before it's too late. RIP Joe Croom.

Much Love.



  1. I saw this posted on Facebook earlier today. I'm not sure I know who Joe was, but every time Heather called to tell me about another classmate, it was always so shocking. Hug your loved ones a little tighter. xo Carrie

  2. when I read the news today I had to pull of the road and dry my face, he was always smiling, never a sour word. such sweet people leave this world too soon. he will be remembered forever because the words he wrote will never be erased. RIP Joe Croom.

  3. whoa.. tearing up reading this again. gone but not forgotten.
