Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I'm Grateful for...FEB

Another month down! Here's my Feb 2013 I'm grateful for post

1- for my mom
2 - for Hot yoga with Kas
3 - for Sundays, day of rest and cleaning, I love a clean house!
4 - for getting my butt up early to work out
5 - for my health
6 - for my mom/my personal shopper
7 - matty's coming home!!!
8 - Matty is HOME!
9 - for all my skills lol
10 - for my lil family
11 - for my Jobs
12 - waking up next to Matty
13 - for sleeping in and sex with my love
14 - for life with Matty
15 - for walks to the beach
16 - for waking up with my love and morning sexy time!
17 - for Family
18 - for body heat
19 - for a clean Drake
20 - for snuggle time with my love
21 - for Matt helping this am, since I woke up late
22 - for my new SUP! HOLY COW
23 - for my extended family!
24 - for KB! muwah
25 - for having help
26 - for WINE
27 - for my manly man that fixes everything I break
28 - for potatoes


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