Thursday, April 4, 2013

I'm Grateful for...March

Another month down...another month of gratefulness! Here it goes:

1) I'm grateful for dancing and hanging with Matty
2) for game night with friends
3) for SUNDAYS
4) for my support system
5) for support
6) for our yoga community
7) for other yoga teachers! :)
8) for TODAY
9) for the yoga studio
10) for Matty
11) for Matt
12) I'm grateful to see my friend
13) for alarm clocks and the BVI's! eek
14) for the opportunity to be here in Tortola with these amazing women. thank you!
15) I'm grateful I'm waking up in Tortola ~ even with the roosters
16) for my friends on the trip, dancing and hanging out with the locals
17) for getting to wake up in paradise one last morning and going home to my love
18) I'm grateful today to wake up with Matt and Drake
19) for coffee, back to the grind today
20) for Spring
21) Grateful Matt has time to spend with his buddy
22) Grateful I can play hookie
23) for a lazy day
24) for CUZ!
25) for Hot Showers
26) for Matty
27) for Yoga
28) for sick hours and ME TIME
29) for sunshine
30) for our friends Greg and Anne
31) Happy Easter, grateful for God


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