Thursday, September 22, 2011

X vs Y (part 2)


So this is where I left off from X vs Y part 1:

...Maybe nothing is supposed to last forever. Forever is some made up fairy tale word from Disney movies and grandparents. Maybe it's a never ending adventure after another.

I like adventure
I like knowing he's there for me
I like the feeling of his arms wrapped around me tightly
I like playing in the grocery stores with him
I love the way he looks at me, even when he thinks I didn't notice
I love the way he loves me

I like the fact we are taking things slow, whether we want to or not..we kind of have to living 268 miles apart. There's no seeing each other everyday, no getting sick and tired of each other, no living together and the stressors that accompany that mess. It's been since right before New Year's when we met, and since February we made it an "official couple status" :) That alone took a lot for me. The part of me that is ready to let go, dive in, and take both feet off the floor is starting to take over my IDK about this yet side..if that makes any sense at all. My wall has been crumbling down and I'm standing only on my tippy toes, I can feel it. Yes, I'm still terrified of making the ultimate leap of faith and falling completely in his arms for the long haul...

However, over the last few days...seems like more and more I'm changing my mind yet again. I'm sick and tired of the long distance bs...i'm ready for him to be here, i'm ready for us to do the damn thing and live under the same damn roof...It's been a complete years since I"ve cleansed myself from living with a guy, and I think now i'm ready.. Besides this time it'll be different, right?! I mean this just isn't any guy...this is my FPE!!! My country living, gun toting, motorcycle riding, beer/vodka/whiskey drinkin', fb addict, hard workin', American made, tattoo lovin', meat eating, dog loving, LOVE OF MY LIFE!!! This time IT WILL BE FUN!!!! Time shall tell...stay tuned!
Until Next Time ~ Just DO iT!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Ok people...ADULTS...Female Adults...after using the bathroom please look behind you at the toilet and wipe off any drops or hairs you have left behind. Thanks - I expect this from people at the bar who are intoxicated, but grown ass women who can't clean up the f'n toilet are pissing me off....and if this continues to happen, I will start taking pictures of it and posting them on the web :)

Until Next Time ~ look before you squat...

Friday, September 16, 2011

Long Distance The good bad and crazy

Long Distance: The Good, Bad, & Crazy!

Most of us have either tried it or know someone who has...the dreaded long distance relationship. Now let's clarify long distance, or I'll explain my definition of what I think it is... Long distance relationships are when you live too far away from each other to have slumber parties whenever you want, at the drop of a hat. When you have to drive hours or get on a plane to see your loved one. When you talk on the phone, fb, or skype more then you actually get to touch and feel each other. When you have the whole phone/video sex thing down to a science. Basically, when you are dating someone and that someone is not with you 24hours/day due to geography.
I've tried for my whole 29 years to avoid this type of relationship...just the thought of it makes me cringe & wrinkle my nose. The thought of being with someone who is far far far away leaves a lot to the imagination, especially those of us with the X factor (x chromosome).

The Good.
I like the independence factor. This was something I was lacking in my last fucked up relationship. Sometimes when you spend every waking moment with someone, they just get on your damn nerves. I love the fact we have our own things going on..he has his life, I have mine, and then we meet in the middle every other week or so...I feel like that we talk way more then in any other of my relationships..I actually care what he's doing and has to say, and I want to know how his day is..what he did..thank God for technology and texting! When we are together it's fucking amazing. it's easy, it's's not even compromises hmmmmm except the fact I don't have real mayo in the time babe..I'm going to get some today!
I like that we're not always up each other's ass..but in order for this to work you gotta trust each other and COMMUNICATE..that's the big one.. just a lil text every now and then to say hey, thinking about you dude..that's all it takes :) My weekly routine is usually action packed anyways, so not seeing him everyday has been a good thing...I feel bad making him come to vb and yoga...
The Bad.
HELLO! He's 268 miles away from me at any given time..322 when I'm at work, SUCKS ASS. Not seeing him everyday. Not knowing the next time i'll see him or get to visit..this is why every time we are together I cherish every second. Spending all this money on travel, gas, plane tickets...Only getting a few days every other week; which is a lot better now that we are in the same state. ARKANSAS was not fun...Hopefully he'll never have to go that far again. When he does come down, I get super lazy on my weekly routine..I don't run, I eat like shit, these things will have to start to fade. Last night was good...we walked Drake for about 28 minutes! better then laying around fucking all day..that too is exercise though! Going to bed without him :( I sleep so much better with him laying next to me. Everytime he leaves I cry, even though I know I'll see him again I still get sad...

The Crazy.
That damn X Factor gets in the way, even when you try super hard for it to vanish...I thought I have been doing pretty well suppressing my X factor aka the crazy gene...every now and then she pops out, makes an appearance just to remind us all she still exists. So from time to time, when I don't hear from him, or his phone dies, the X factor comes out and the thoughts in my head stir the pot.."why isn't he answering?" "where is he?" "what is he doing?" "who's he doing it with?"....oh and the occasional "friend" of his who likes to fuck with us and send me fucked up text about him and the ex-wife...get a life. I guess that's it - the X factor. As long as I can keep her under's good.

Bottom Line.
In the end, I know he loves me. Loves me with all his heart and I love him. I may still have a few toes on the ground and a few fading bricks left on my wall, but he's it..He's my FPE (favorite person ever).

Until Next Time ~ XOXOXO

X vs Y (part 1)

I'm so freakin' fickle as FUCK.

Is it fickle or is it because I have obtained the X chromosome? Either way.. I wish at times I could shut my brain off from analyzing every thing, making lists in my head, playing the what if game with myself, and just chill..Oh I can play it cool on the outside, but if you could see the millions of monkey's raging in my fucking head you'd wonder how I keep it together so well... well duh.. that's why God invented Vino and trashy television of course!! :) and the beach, yoga, running...anywho.

There have been several times in my life the thought of switching out my X chromosome for a Y has crossed thru my big ole brain...and not just for the obvious reasons like: 

boys get to pee standing up absolutely ANYWHERE they want
when they don't shower it's perfectly acceptable
they don't have to shave their legs or peekachoos
boys get to roll out of bed, wipe the crust out of their eyes and mouth, throw on dirty jeans and a t-shirt and need no wardrobe change throughout the day
they can pack for an entire trip in a Food Lion's just not fair LOL.

ALl of these are great reasons, however after dating boys for the last .... say 16 years and this is not counting my "pre-school" bf Jon bc frankly I just don't remember. I guess my first real boyfriend was 5th or 6th grade at Gramercy Christian School..hahah yep I went to a Christian School, right! Jefferson Balou or something like that..that's when I fell for the  blond hair blue eyes hahahha and my first real kiss..on a field trip at the aquarium.. wow.. why and how do I remember all of this after alllllll these years?? You see it's the freakin' X Chromosome...I betcha boys don't remember bs like this..damn sentimental chromosome Aggggggggggg.

Back to the point, after 16 years of dating and 23 months of marriage a girl learns a thing or twenty about what she wants and how to get it :) Let's see here...longest relationship ...hmmmmm I guess it was my ex-husband if you include dating and marriage.. all for a total of rougly 3.5 years.. damn.. that's a long time.. and you see this is why I tend to date like a guy.. I think 3.5 years is FOREVER...usually my typical relationship a few months maybe a year if you last that long..or if I don't get bored..that has A LOT to do with it...I get super bored super fast. Fact.

Let's see, then there was the middle school bf..all through 8th grade, until we went off to separate High Schools...HS dating was always fun...and a bit messy at times lol..HS was when I discovered oooohh it's ok to date older boys...perfectly acceptable to date someone 23/24 when you're 16 bc your mom introduced you and he's a "good guy" HA.. that was fun times.. all the spiced rum and tequila worms a teenager could ask for!!
Then, I discovered my first Leo's true Leo's and Aries are just meant to be together...and it helped he was at ECU so me and the girls had a place to PAAAARTY!!
hmmmmm then college, oh yes...not quite sure how I met this one, but dating the manager of Bert's Surf Shop on EI definitely had it's perks!! like the time Crystal and I needed new going out wear, but the shop was closed..thanks for opening it up and letting us shop celebrity style!! Oh and dont' you know I still rock my 2 beach cruisers!! Oh Lord he had a crazy mother though...a three legged dog, and a pool :) But he too got his heart trampled on..i got bored/drunk/21st bday party... Leo showed up.. you know the story.. you just can't keep Leo's and Aries apart LOL Bha ahahah ahah.
 Then I realized it was WAAAAAAAAAY more fun not to be in a serious relationship...I liked the 'playing the field' days...good times.. then I met my stupid husband...was blinded by IDK what..after that fiasco it was onto the playing field Wilmington Style!! oh yeah!!! A bunch bigger pool to fish in... Lets see after the disaster of a marriage there were just 3 "serious" ones..i think... the German, oh the German..lil Ryan..which I think he has a kid now..awww lil Ryan...and the no driver license, part time cook, video game playin, stripper fucking ex asshole.  The German was a great summer fling...then he went back to Germany of course.. still great friends...I'll always have a special place for the German...I thought lil Ryan was it...we even went as far as living together...whoa!! This was the first boy I lived with besides the ex husband...this was serious...oh I left out the part he was only 20 when I met him... HAHHAHA I took him to his first legal bar for his bday hahahhah damn it...let's see that would have made me...25 ish...hehehehhe OMG he was just such a lil cutie..HOT, Young, and turned me on to Lil Wayne...oh yeah! I think it was after lil Ryan I had written off boys, dating, living together...He absolutely broke my heart, horrible, just horrible. Some advice, living together after you break up...not good for the psyche.
So here I was bartending, going out all the time with my friends and the life!! Loving Life!! this is where the term baskets came about...HAHAHhahah there was nice/lunch basket, beer delivery guy basket(s), and tall basket who turned into be and the no driver license, part time cook, video game playin, stripper fucking ex asshole. . Coming off a bad break up I was not inclined to jump right into another serious we hung out..then I got rid of all my other baskets and dated this guy..worst relationship ever...sure it was fun in the very beginning, but he was waaaay to possessive and always keeping tabs on if i went to the gym after work and didn't call him he'd freak the fuck out and accuse me of would think I would have learned and figured out my learning curve by now but noooooo i stuck it out for a lil while longer then push came to shove..literally and this courtship ended.
Over the last 9 years of dating there's been heart break, and heart breaking from both sides. Each time I get a little tougher, a little wiser, one more brick is added to the wall and one more toe is put back firmly on the ground. . . So why oh why do we as women go right back into relationship after relationship.. what are we searching for? what are we hoping for? What am I searching for? I had the fairy tale wedding, I dated a motorcycle driving, tennis playing European, I've rocked the cradle, musicians...I think you're meant to love lots, touch people's lives, have them touch yours, then move on...maybe it's a never ending search of nothing. Maybe nothing is supposed to last forever. Forever is some made up fairy tale word from Disney movies and grandparents. Maybe it's a never ending adventure after another...whatever it is, us X chromosomes are very resilient..we tend to bounce back, jump back on the horse..with help of course from the best medicine - your girl friends!

Until Next be continued.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Back in the BAR


She meaning ME, and back meaning behind the BAR!!!
Every Sunday Noon to 8ish you can find my ass at MUGSY'S PUB downtown Wilmington on the corner of 2nd and Princess...DO IT!!

Until Next Time ~ Get your Drink & Grub on at MUGSY'S


I love sleeping in the middle of my bed! Not "our" bed, not "your" bed, MY BED!

This is one of the most comfortable positions EVER!!

Sprawled OUT!

Taking up every inch of the bed. I love sleeping in the middle with all my 8 pillows at my head, beside me, and with the warmth of Drake either at my feet or spooning up next to me...Now, don't get me wrong. I love love love sleeping next to Matty, but that's just not realistic every night. And besides we tend to steal the covers from one another...I like the sheets, he likes the covers.. so until next time ~ happy sleeping

Monday, September 12, 2011

Lots going on.. as usual

So I started this blog a few days ago.. just now getting around to finishing it...

I'm a hot mess most days HAHAH It's good to be able to laugh at yourself...I catch myself doing this on a daily basis! I don't really know where to start this morning so much is swirling around in this big ole brain of mine.. let's see where it takes us...

1) Why is it so freakin' hard for people to understand I DON"T WANT CHILDREN...a co-worker yesterday just found out I got fixed...and was like "oh, but what if..." naw dude.. there is no what if's..He said that was a selfish thing to do..and I replied I KNOW! I AM SELFISH.. better knowing now then to bring a kid into the world and not taking care of it...

2) Marriage - I tried it, didn't like it, wasn't good at it...more then likely will never do it again...I like myself too much hahhahaha...I'm just saying if you're in Vegas and the chance arises to bet on me getting married...slim to none. SO back the fuck off people.. geeze.. GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULLS...I don't want kids, and I don't want to get married.. the end. I"M HAPPY.

3) School - I want to go back to school sooo bad, I just don't want to do the prep work ...

4) JOB bartending - wanted one, GOT ONE! Yeah BUDDY!! Mugsey's Downtown SUNDAYS...come see me once again behind the bar, doing what I do...unst unst unst ..

5) Running - I ran over the weekend meaning saturday..wanted to sunday but got caught up watching 911 all morning before work, but the run..FELT AMAZING!!! why do i get in my lazy funks....I wanna run everyday!!!!

6) Long Distance good bad evil  - this will have it's own blog....

Until Next Time -- KEEP UP YO

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Annoyed to the core

I am ready to either cry or snap someone's freakin' neck right off...ugggg...annoyed, frustrated with everything at this point....ugggg feel like a red headed step child...under appreciated, kicked to the curb, homeless, dirty.. just freakin UEGGGG..I only hope no one looks at me the wrong way for the rest of the day, or ask me another fucking stupid question.. uggg ugg uggg I just want to go home relax in the bath and melt away...THis is pass, I know ... just go away already geeze.