Thursday, September 22, 2011

X vs Y (part 2)


So this is where I left off from X vs Y part 1:

...Maybe nothing is supposed to last forever. Forever is some made up fairy tale word from Disney movies and grandparents. Maybe it's a never ending adventure after another.

I like adventure
I like knowing he's there for me
I like the feeling of his arms wrapped around me tightly
I like playing in the grocery stores with him
I love the way he looks at me, even when he thinks I didn't notice
I love the way he loves me

I like the fact we are taking things slow, whether we want to or not..we kind of have to living 268 miles apart. There's no seeing each other everyday, no getting sick and tired of each other, no living together and the stressors that accompany that mess. It's been since right before New Year's when we met, and since February we made it an "official couple status" :) That alone took a lot for me. The part of me that is ready to let go, dive in, and take both feet off the floor is starting to take over my IDK about this yet side..if that makes any sense at all. My wall has been crumbling down and I'm standing only on my tippy toes, I can feel it. Yes, I'm still terrified of making the ultimate leap of faith and falling completely in his arms for the long haul...

However, over the last few days...seems like more and more I'm changing my mind yet again. I'm sick and tired of the long distance bs...i'm ready for him to be here, i'm ready for us to do the damn thing and live under the same damn roof...It's been a complete years since I"ve cleansed myself from living with a guy, and I think now i'm ready.. Besides this time it'll be different, right?! I mean this just isn't any guy...this is my FPE!!! My country living, gun toting, motorcycle riding, beer/vodka/whiskey drinkin', fb addict, hard workin', American made, tattoo lovin', meat eating, dog loving, LOVE OF MY LIFE!!! This time IT WILL BE FUN!!!! Time shall tell...stay tuned!
Until Next Time ~ Just DO iT!!!

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