Monday, March 26, 2012

No Sugar

So, now that Matty's dad has diabetes...he's getting more and more aware of what he's eating. When he first found out, he turns to me and says, "maybe I should listen to you about what i eat". yep. Now, my mom, his dad, both his grandma's are all diabetic...this weekend he says, i need to cut out sugar! whoa...that's hardcore...even for me. NO sugar! I don't think he know's what he's in for...carbs, bread, everything has sugar. Don't get me wrong, we could all stand to drop a few...and I'm totally stoked he's on a health kick...but baby coffee - already doing, no soda, getting alcohol...hmmmm. carbs...i love carbs...oh's nice to have a partner conscious about food too! I got mom doing the Coconut Palm Sugar..suppose to be the best kind for next time I'm in Wilmington I'll be stocking up for us more splenda, stevia, agave...oh no...what about honey?? hmmmm Gonna have to consult with my foodies at yoga about this one...

Until Next Time ....think twice next time you put something in your body....

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