Thursday, June 7, 2012

Back at it...again

So...I'm back at the insanity again...why not right!! I can't seem to drop these 10lbs I neeeeeeeeeeeeed to desperately it's a new training regiment...I started on the 1st of the today is my "rest" day...I've been doing the videos after work at home...after of course I walk the dogs, sweep the about 7pm...last night I was exhausted from road tripping to Wilmington and back with 2 4-legged kids...I said fuck it..i'll get up early and do it lol...the thing is I DID!! I woke up at 330am..and kicked ass! walked the dogs afterwards, showered...bam! done for the day... well besides the 2 yoga classes I'm teaching today!!! I've planned it well too.. THursdays this month I'm teaching after work to the EI EMS station.. so no time for insanity after work...but you know what? I enjoyed working out early!! Waking up at 330am SUCKS..but totally worth it.. I feel Great...besides the pains of getting right lower back hurts...left hip hurts... I need a massage!!!!

I figured, Matt's gone... I need to use this time to shape up!!! I'm tired of being blah...I mean I'm healthy, I kick butt in yoga... but still not 100% happy with the way I look...uggg especially in pictures... geeze a Pete!!! so I'm fucking DOING IT...and doing it all month.. that's my goal!!! tomorrow will be one week on insanity...I can do this... I want this...I'm focused now..

here we go... cheers ya'll


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