Wednesday, April 11, 2012

30 and one day

It's official! I survived to 30. I am officially in my 30's. O M G! I can not believe that country song dena carter..I remember when 30 was old...oh Lord.

It's hitting me slowly I guess. Yesterday was just another day at work...except I wore a dress and got a few cards and a plant. Same ole, same ole! No huge plans for my 30's. No marriage, no kids. More traveling and more yoga workshops. I'd like to learn how to do that stand up paddle board, go sky diving, save more, spend less. Downsize my "stuff". Eat right, exercise often. Love life, enjoy the beach. Keepin' it simple.

It really hit, when Ruthie posted on fb...maybe we could all go to Ireland on our 40th Bday!!! WWWHHHHAAAAAT! We are just hitting 30 dude...whoa....halt, one said anything about over the hill yet. by then though, we're all gonna be lean, mean, fighting machines..kicking ass taking names still I'm sure. Hopefully we are aging like fine wine and cheese and not aging like an old Duck Rabbit Milk Stout - lesson learned. Either way, it's gonna be a good year. And just because we're 30 now, doesn't mean we're gonna be lame...we will still out dance your ass any day/night at the club...we may just leave earlier, and drink more you guys. Happy 30th to all you 1982 Babies!!!


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