Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Today's the Day

It's finally here. Matt leaves today to start his new adventure 1,000 miles away. It's so hard to walk out of the house knowing he won't be there tonight. Luckily I have work to keep me busy today, and Drake to keep me busy tonight. I have lots of projects to keep me busy, with the house, spring cleaning, getting rid of crap, my gardens...herbs, veggies, I'm in charge of EVERYTHING...yard work, trash, vacuum (booo), laundry, renters, bikes, cooking, dishes,'s been so wonderful these past few months having a partner in crime to divide everything with..and to ask to do things when I don't feel like it lol. and to make me coffee, or make sure the coffee is set in the morning. And let drake out late at night when i'm already in bed..Well, vaca is over for me...time to man up, and put my big girl panties on and take over like an Aries should! Probably take me a few days to get into my own routine, but I have confidence I will. Determination. 44 Days isn't that bad...44 days until he will come and visit. hmmmm. I already miss him. Drake's gonna miss him. WIth all the bad luck lately with his truck and all...I gave him my mala bracelet I made in yoga training for good luck and grounding, and saged him and Joesph this morning before I left. Say a little pray, chant a little protection chant...

So I figure my new routine will consist of more walks/jogs with Drake, cleaning something everyday, getting my pictures developed (i don't even know how to do that with my new phone), working out everyday either yoga or insanity or both..would love to start insanity again and be ripped in 44 days :) Like the commerical says, you just have to press play everyday..hmmm. We shall see. I'll definitely keep ya'll updated. For now, I'm ok. Trying to keep it together while at work. And no water proof mascara helps fight back the tears.

Until Next time ~ keep the heart smiling

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