Monday, September 3, 2012

Miss him

It's only been a few days and I miss him terribly. Two days to be exact. But what a glorious couple of days we did have. I guess that's one of the perks of him being on the's always a honeymoon when he comes home:)

So, due to the hurricane in Louisiana Matty evacuated and came home. I had to work and take a day to Wilmington, but then it was on lol...literally ;)

Out Thursday night with Kb, live music, and margaritas...he looks at me and says lets go to Savannah tomorrow night and see American Aquarium! My love knows me so well. And so that's what we did ha ha ha. We did! We took my new truck on the road for another adventure...Every moment with him is a magical adventure. Like my very own modern day cinderella story. Swept off my feet and I'm not looking back.

Just wish he was home. I love you dear..thank you for all you do for us and our little family. You are so thoughtful. So damn sexy. And you make me smile and laugh everyday.

So grateful you are in my life...muwwaaah

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