Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Shower More..

So the anticipation of Matty coming home grows! "don't get your hopes up he says, but it could be just a couple more weeks"...WHAT? Still that long? sigh :( Then he says..well "1-2 weeks"...EEEK! I have a lot to do...I need a new vaccuum bag, but have no idea what I'm doing lol... then he tells me I'm going to have to shower more regularly...pffft. doesn't he know I like being a dirty hippie...but maybe I can make an exception..I'll shower more, but I'm still not shaving my legs ;P I'm totally on my OFP and with him returning soon.. makes me a little nervous, excited, happy! I've been trying to clean out the closet to make room for him.. and clear out some junk.. I feel like the whole house is just all my stuff..i feel bad.. It'll all be better once he's home. love you babe. be safe.

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