Thursday, January 10, 2013

1st Rant of 2013

Now, I know I am being "kinder" this year...but 10 days is long enough... I have a rant and rave for ya'll.. :) And it begins with see, I remember a time without did we ever survive not knowing what you were cooking for supper, or liking on Pinterest? Anywho.. the current rant is about the weather.. a very popular topic amongst us in the workplace, friends, family, and apparently FB.
The recent rant I have seen on FB is about how people are upset about the warm weather in January?!?! Are you kidding me?! This is one of the perks of living in NC!!! We LOVE the warm weather. Be grateful it's warm and not shovling snow and staying inside all day...we like being outdoors, paddling in riding in January...walking on the beach in the evenings...besides walking the dog at 5am in 30 degrees is not fun. Of course to each it's own...but come on man. You want snow...go get locals are loving this weather! :)


cheers ~

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