Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Be Kind 2013

It seems like the older I get, the less and less I make true resolutions. The same ole ones apply: be healthy, work out more, eat less....I have started some new projects though. . . off pintrest of course. I made a mini scrap book to write in everyday One thing I'm grateful for. ..then I have a jar I put in things that make me smile/laugh. at the end of the year, you go back and read through them all... seems fun.

Instead of "Resolutions" I have to do list....

I'd always like to save money - travel outside the US this more and more yoga...and the big one for this year BE KIND> Be KIND to everyone. I already succeeded one day!!! High Five! ooh and I'd like to put on my own yoga workshop....maybe a little SUP Yoga and arm balances....juicing...crafts.. so many ideas! Here's to turning 31 this year too...EEEEK!

I'm glad I'm blogging these so I can remember.. :)

oooh and I want to shoot for teaching 325-350 hours of yoga this year....tring to beat out my 302 from 2012! here we go!

Mark something off my bucket list I didn't in 2012.. like sky diving.. damn it! I'm going sky diving this year!!!!

OH and I'm taking my monthly sabbatical this month!! No booze for the month of January...maybe I'll go longer this year.. we'll see.. stay tuned.. what are some of your items on the "to do list"?


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