Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Finally I RAN!
After 4 weeks and some change I'm back up and RUNNING!!!
Whoo hooooo. the first few weeks were definitely directly correlated to my healing from surgery..i felt like i had bricks in my lower abs - ouch. then the last week or so, I contribute it to pure LAZINESS and lack of motivation - UGGGGGGG. But not anymore! I'm motivated and Doing the damn thing again! I didn't run until like 845pm last night bc it's so freakin hot, but I took Drake with me and my EVO, and set out for 15mins to get back in the swing of things!! It felt GREAT!! I realized I need to change up my routine a little bit...instead of trying to run right after work, chill, chat, cook dinner, laundry, all the fun inside chores, then run and work out!! Shower, bed.. Damn I sound old.. LOL.

I'm motivated to get my ass back in gear due to the fact EVERY TIME I turn around there is a skinny bitch looking over my shoulder UGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. I'm motivated bc I have the Warrior Dash in 47 days and would like to not make a total fool out of myself and look good doing it! I'm motivated bc MATTY's Back in NC and I like trying to keep up with his young ass LOL. I'm motivated bc VACA is in 3 1/2 weeks! I'm motivated bc I'm 29 years old, not getting any younger and want to be in the best shape I can possibly be in...I'm motivated bc if I don't put in my fitness pal I worked out I feel like CRAP. Which Reminds me I need to goolgle how many calories one burns while fucking hmmmmmmmmm. So there's a start to my motivation. Same ole same ole, I WANNA LOOK HOT AND FEEL HOT! bitches.

Until Next Time ~ Get Motivated!

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