Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ummm, Why did I sign up to RUN for FUN...

SO the Warrior dash is in 10 days and I just got my ass kicked on a 2.25 mile run.. ugggg geeze a pete... maybe it's the heat, maybe it's bc i'm sore from yoga, maybe it's bc I'm doing a water fast today.. who knows.. but in the words of a wise wise woman....if you wanna be a warrior train like one!! :)

Oh yeah you heard right.. WATER FAST.. some bright idea from one of my girls at VB... she was one day 3 last night of the water fast.. water, coffee/black, tea..that's it.. for 3+ days..then start the Raw Food Diet.. YUM.

We'll see what happens.. I'm optimistic about the raw food movement.. i dont' like the term diet.. the fasting on the other hand umm well if you know me, you know I love food.. so Idk how i'm gonna go 3 days with my active schedule, we'll see.

Until Next Time ~ drink more water :)

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