Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2012 Resolutions

So, saw my old buddy Jess yesterday and she asked me what my new year's resolutions were...and I was like none...really. Not like last year where I made a long list of things I wanted to do, and not do, and accomplish...along with trying to simplify my home and material items - i guess it's seeping into my daily routine too...no list. I've even stopped making list when I pack - geeze.

I'm taking a whole new avenue this year...no extensive list, no rules, just breath and be happy...so, here are my "resolutions" for 2012:


2. Be the best lil yogi I can be

3. Don't go to jail

4. Live Healthy/make healthy choices

5. Cross things off my bucket list

6. Be kind to Mother Earth

And that's basically it.

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