Yep! I've hopped on the crazy train with the rest of my crazy friends.. it's the latest it a fad, but I think it's here to stay! Every where I turn people are doing it! Duel Marathons, Triathalons, 1/2 Marathons...warrior races....All I want to do is a 5K damn it!!! I need to start's crazy I know...the whole not smoking thing, getting "older", is really effecting me....So, I started running last monday right?? well not running running, but jogging...I'm slow and awkward, but I'm really starting to enjoy this shit.. weird I know right?! It's becoming addicting though!!! and the best part IT"S FREE!!!! hahahaha
My yoga friend just ran a 1/2 last month, HB's is traing for one too, but she's a beast!!! she can do anything she puts her mind too...and now not just one, but SEVERAL vb people are doing triatholons, duels, races, even my lil bro is running...I'm thinking I found my new little outlet... EEEEEKKK..never thought I'd see the day I wanted to run...pffft.. now that I leaked this info to HB, she's got me looking up training websites so I can run 5 miles with her next monday.. hahahahah let me start slow sista.. But the website is pretty dope..Hal Higdon..check it out.. pretty dank.. So along with Yoga and VB, I'll be Running...please don't come out and watch though... not pretty... I thought I was going to puke tonight lol.. and the old me, meaning like two weeks ago would have totally blown off my lil run tonight.. I mean i went to yoga, played vb for a lot of hours, and then came home and wanted to run...maybe I'm sick or something...fuck though...I am starting to like it...Until Next Time Bitches ~ ahhhhhhhh
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