Friday, May 20, 2011

Thanks Mooooom

So, I started today like any other of my Friday on the ward! As I'm getting out of session, one of the corpsmen comes up to me, swings his arm around my shoulder and says in a low soft voice, "so your mom and I were talking, and I don't know how we got on topic, but your WAXING came up" OOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGG Jaw Drops...trying to keep it together of course for the other co-workers around me and patients...You should have seen the look on face I gave him...nothing is safe with mom... this is why I don't tell YOU EVERYTHING. Thanks MOM... Gooooooooooooooooooooooooossshhhhh (from Napoleon Dynamite).....

I'm packing up my yoga stuff, putting the radio away, the mats...and here we are chatting it up about my WAXING! geeze-a-pete!!! He continues and says, yeah I was wondering where you go bc my wife and I want to, but it's really hard to find someone to do a guy..hahhaahahah awesome!! now I'm chuckling and smiling!! oooohhhh I gotcha!! You want to wax down there!!! Fantastic! So of course I was like, YEAH DUDE!! I probably have his card in my bag...that's ok right? I asked's a guy who waxes me... no problem he says.. haha so here I am handing off Ken's (from BANGZ in WIlmington) card to a male co-worker to get waxed!!! LOVE MY LIFE!! Then we proceed to discuss how awesome the waxing is for hygiene purposes...I was not discussing my Peekachoo waxing benefits with Matty with my co-workers...male co-workers at that.. just said and of course Matty Loves it ;) !

Until Next Time ~ Happy Waxing!

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