Wednesday, May 18, 2011

So Much To Say, Sooo Little Time

It's crazy how f'n busy I have become in the last few weeks... I can't imagine when I start moving...I feel like my life has taken on a life of it's own if that makes any sense and consist of 3 Main focal points: Work, Yoga, of course there are others like Running which I've added into my workout agenda weekly...not quite able to fit it in daily yet, but one day...activity wise that's about it...then of course there's mom, drake, tank (aka the little one), HB, and my love's crazy how all of the sudden it seems like my life is on a whole new path...not necessarily a path of enlightenment or anything like that...but just one year ago...i was still kinda in party mode...drinking...drinking...sleeping in...ugggg. How wonderful it is not to drink everynight, or every weekend for that matter. OH and I've finally kicked the smoking habit too!! I've lost count somewhere around 50 days it has to be! WHOOO HOOOOOO check me out mother fuckers~! ?? ! If you were to look at my calendar last week and this, it consists of work/groups, yoga, vb, running, EI, My cousin's 5th bday party (yes at a park with 1500 million other little rug rats), yoga, groups, meetings, vb, run, yoga, yard sale...But you know what?! I've finally found my balance it seems! I enjoy what I do, I enjoy making time for my yoga and run.. so what if my house isn't the cleanest, or my laundry is piling up yet again...i'll get around to it...I'm living for me...the vitamins have started too...B12 has been in my life for a while now.. just added fish oil today, and more to come.. more to come.. Wish HB would blog about vitamins (wink wink). Like I didn't know you could get the "fish burps" from fish oil girl at work told me that's why you have to take it with food bc you might burp up the taste of fish---great.
Anyways...I'd like to find a time, place, and money to start my teacher training for yoga, get my butt back in college..some online stuff or something, and move back to EI... these are my mid-term goals...been searching the areas for teacher trainings, and when I win the millions I'd love to go to the Costa Rica one for 30 days!!!! :) :) :) (wink wink if anyone is looking to throw money away or donate to a good cause) been searching college stuff.. bottom line i need the GRE's.. UGGG oh how I hate hate hate standardize testing...and the moving thing :) Well HB found a place for me just 2.5 miles away from her, .5 miles away from the ECLUB, and 1.4 miles from the grocery store .. and biking distance to everything in between on the island!!! Perfect spot, small, close to the beach, fenced in yard and all! ... the only thing is the lady seems to still be out of town UGGG I've resorted to semi-stalking her via phone and voice mails because I'm terrified someone else will snatch it up...I WANT IT DAMN IT.. I haven't even seen the inside, and I know I want it.. I need to be back on the island.. thought I'd be back on last year... well IT"S TIME! The ocean is calling my name...
see in my head I have it ALLLL planned out... move next month, give up vb(save money), save money on gas, get to work out and eat supper with HB, wine tastings at the wine market, bike everywhere...start my yoga, pay off dentist and lawyer, have my own little apartment again on the BEACH this time...just me and Drake..with HB right down the road of course...yep you heard right people...moving to EI = giving up VB...not entirely.. just my 4nights/week league play.. i can still play on EI...just won't be the same..but then that will make room for beach bootcamp with HB.. which she had me do last monday when I thought I broke my damn body! whooos. So as you see lots going on.. and this is just scratching the surface.. hopefully more blogging to come very soon.. stay tune people and keep moving.

Until Next Time ~ Get off your ass and do something today and HUG A LOVED ONE! MUWAH

1 comment:

  1. I am so jealous. I wish I was back at the beach! Wahhhhh!!
