Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Not only did I show up and go through with it, I'm healing up quite nicely!! Yep, I'm all fixed up! No babies coming out of this peekachoo! I'm stoked, couldn't be happier :) Now, it's definitely not for everyone, but if you know you know! One of my bff's just announced she's pregger's....................................................with TWINS! OMG! I can't even begin to imagine...I guess people are getting their shit together these days...I'm super happy, scared, and nervous all at the same time for her...i mean at one point in our lives this chick was and could have been my twin..damn that was a looooong time ago when we were like 18 yo hahahah! A) I can't believe she's finally having babies and B) I can't believe this year will be her 11 year anniversary married to "what's his name"...we were never fond of each other ;) Oh well ~ go forth my friend into baby land...there goes the freakin' neighborhood ugggg...just don't ask me to be in the delivery room, or show me pics of anything popping out of your va-j-j

As for me, I'm healing up fast and quite nicely! :) NOt working out yet, but come wed I'll be back on the vb courts and hopefully running.. still a lil sore to cough, sneeze, laugh, and use the bathroom.. but other then that I'm rocking! Thanks to super great aftercare from MATTY! And Mom! Mom took me to the hospital and stayed with me until I was drugged up and passed out..when the put the GOOD IV in and asked if I could feel anything.. i was like no you just stuck me.. geeze.. the lady said.. you will.. sure enough as soon as we were rolling down the hallway otw to the OR room.. which was really cool.. I felt like I was in an episode of ER or HOUSE! LOVE IT :) I could see the lights in the hallway move and people's face's started looking funny hahah.. by the time we got to the OR room.. I'm guessing I was pretty out of it.. the last thing I remember i was looking up and said "look at all the pretty lights" it reminded me of spot lights like on stage hahaha then not sure how they woke me up, but when I came too, I asked, are we done yet? and sure enough we were! super quick like 45min or less.. home by 11am! Like I said, everything went smoothly for my first time "under the knife" I'd definitely do it again! :) Maybe a boob lift or something! :) whoo hoooooo

Until Next Time ~ holla

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