Thursday, November 18, 2010


And away we go!!! My next adventure is Today.. WHoo hooooo Birthday, Wine Tasting, Eclub...who knows what could happen!??! I'm literally counting down the half hours at work, trying to wait patiently, finish my work, and whoot whooot scoot it up to EI for the night! It's not even lunch yet I have have already been told today I am "crazy" and ridiculous"...hmmmmmm I LOVE IT!!!

So, what's on my big ole brain today??? LOTS!! Well I woke up with a GI-NORMOUS tooth ache. I feel like my right cheek is sticking out 6 inches.. but I don't have time to be down, sick, or in pain today. So, Orajel is my new BFF today, sorry HB. I don't do pain very well and have been asking around for some pain killers...they suggested Motrin..pppfttt. i need some percs or something. So until I am able to crack open some wine Orajel will have to do for now. Every time I walk it feels like a UFC fighter is punching me in my face..ugggggouuuccchhh.. Another thing that bothers me about my tooth is I am a huge baby, sissy, pussy, whatever you want to call it about going to the Dentist...I have been looking up Sedation Dentistry - this will probably be my new bff here soon too :( But enough about my pain.. lets move on to an email I received today at work in inform us government employees.

The title of the email was "newer drug", so I'm thinking there is some new anti-depressant on the market, a new anxiety shot I can shoot up with, or something like that. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect what I'm about to share with all of you.

So the drug is called Ivory Wave "a new legal high drug which reportedly has effects similar to ecstasy or cocaine. The product is advertised as a bath salt and is available in Utah. Ivory Wave, aka Vanilla Sky, Pure Ivory, Purple Wave, Charge +, Ocean Burst, and Sextacy, contains chemicals similar to MDMA. Preliminary information indicates the three most common active ingredients are: MDPV, CFT, and Mephedrone. These substances originated as research drugs, and were eventually exploited by the legal high community. Ivory Wave is usually snorted, but can be smoked or swallowed. Drug forum members report effects similar to the rush of ecstasy but without the euphoria and with a harsh come-down. Most common effects reported include: mental and sexual stimulation, increased energy, rapid heart rate, insomnia, muscle twitching, difficulty breathing, paranoia, and an intense desire to re-dose. The effects are reported to last six to eight hours, but with re-dosing, can cause insomnia for multiple days."

One of my favorite parts from this article/email was "intense desire to re-dose" LMFAO..well no shit...the shocker is it lasting 6-8 hours..whoa.. so now you all have been informed! oh and there is no drug test for it yet either..due to it being legal and all ....

Another exciting moment in my life today was I discovered I have 2 new followers for my blog which brings me to a total of 4 including myself..waaaam waaaam waaaam. But I'm excited! And Thank you new followers!! Now pass it along to all your friends, family, co-workers, and pimp the shit out of mine and the chronicles of idieh!! :) (hers are way better anyways)

hmmmm What else.. started back with my yoga.. but that'll be another entirely different blog.. so much to do, so little time to do it today... I  better go get some shit crossed off my to do list.

Until next time, Prost~

Monday, November 15, 2010

Is there no "MAN CODE"?

Ok look guys, just because "we go back on the market" or just got out of a relationship does not mean in any shape or form we all of the sudden want to hook up with you, or receive a thousand text messages from our ex-boyfriends "boy" at midnight. Get it through your heads....just because we are out of a relationship doesn't mean we want to date everything that crosses our paths. I have been PERFECTLY content spending quality yes I'll say it again QUALITY time with my girl friends. Dressing up, riding bikes, trips to NFL games, wine tastings, sushi, movies, working out, volleyball...We don't need men to have a good time, especially after a break up.. geeze give us a minute to breath. AHHHHHHHH!

It's hard enough dealing with a break up. I don't need my ex's "boy" sending me 8 text because you are drunk or what did he say? "I'm kinnda lonely right now! But if you every feel freaky I can put some things on you..." OMG are you for real??? A) you are disgusting, you are suppose to be my ex's "friend/boy" B) it's after midnight and I have to wake up at 0430 and C) how do you know I haven't found someone to cuddle with already hmmmpfttt. and OMG really??

It got worse. He went on to text "you turn me on holla ok!" "I think I could so take your mind off him in so many ways!" Why do you guys think we need another man/boy to "take our minds off the ex".. really? That's what my Awesome girl friends and mom are for...If I choose to go to meet a great guy and hang out with him on occasion it's because I want to and I am interested in him and what he has to say, not because I need some other guy to make me forget about my ex. This shit takes time..Let me breath and go at my own pace. Whatever pace that is.. I haven't quite figured that out, but as HB says "One day at a time".

Back to the text.. now after I didn't respond he texted "hey please respond to me! Don't make me feel stupid! He was talking to some loser tonight I couldn't help but think how much better you are!"
WOW. really? don't make you feel stupid..that is not my job or what? did you expect me to text you back and say oh yes baby, i want you too.. PLEASE. I can actually find and meet nice quality men on my own AAAHHHH! shocking I know. But you? really? This may come off a little harsh, but I really don't need your baggage and ohhh there is A LOT OF IT!! But you know what.. for your sake and because I do have some respect left for my ex I won't call you out on your SHIT. your welcome. ;) And another thing is there no such thing as "Man Code" anymore?? We have a code, isn't there some "code" you guys follow? Or are we girls all "fair game" after a break up? I guess the morality of men is running out, what a shame.

You know, I try really hard too not to cry or get all emotional. For the most part I think we hold it together pretty well,  that is in certain aspects of our lives like at work, in front of people who think I'm stronger than I really am, or on a date. I can and have gone days without crying or playing the impossible game of  "what if's".. I try hard to be strong not only for my fellow girl friends, but for the sanity of myself. If I allowed myself to sit at home day after day watching Lifetime movies and eating the whole house I - I - I don't even want to think about the nightmare. NO! We are not pitiful little girls anymore, I am not that pathetic teenager whose boyfriend broke my heart and now my whole world is crashing down around me - PLEASE, I have more important things to worry about. Don't get me wrong I have my "moments of weakness" but that's exactly what they are moments. Over the course of ohhh I would say 10 - 15 years I have been able to decrease my crying rate from days to mere minutes. :) GOOD JOB ME. I think the best advice I have found that works for me is from Dora on Finding Nemo, "Just Keep Swimming". I have to stay busy!!! It's the down time that'll kill ya. The time at night when you're making dinner and realize it's just for you and end up feeding the rest to the dogs or in my case now I have a yummy lunch already prepared for tomorrow. Or after volleyball showering by yourself and missing some sand on my leg because you're not there to help me. Or at night on the couch watching Sons cuddling with my Dogs instead of being in his arms. And the worse is going to bed in a really big bed with just me, 2 dogs, and sometimes up to 2 cats.. uggg. So now that I have totally depressed all of you WAKE UP and GET BACK OUT THERE!!! There is a huge plethora of a world out there to experience, I don't want to miss any opportunities of my next adventure.

I'm not saying if I meet a nice guy along my adventure and choose to spend more time with him then others that's a bad thing either. I am saying after a break up though you must keep your options opened. I have taken off the blinders and I am trying to view the whole world..just not what is put, thrown, or texted at me in the middle of the night. Until next time, Prost.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I can get use to this

I feel like I am finally getting ME back and I like it!! Since the demise of my recent breakup and Operation AM Freedom I have been one busy girl :) It started with concert with mom, a week in EI, Halloween at the Eclub, Lunch and Park Date, Weekend in Charlotte with HB and watching the Saints whoop up on the Panthers from the 6th row (OMG OMG OMG OMGOMG), and now looking forward to double date night with HB, mmm, and barfly!! It just doesn't get any better!!

I love how now I feel like I am living again and doing what i want to do without feeling like someone is always constantly looking over my shoulder, hacking my fb, or texting me a jazillion times (ask hb, she'll tell ya) asking me where i am, who i'm with, or worried i'm cheating..Look guys: we are not all WHORES ok.. if i'm in a committed relationship with you for 1.5 years i'm WITH YOU and ONLY guys just don't get it until it's too late...but i'm not bashing anymore so that's all I'll say about that.

Moving on...So tonight's the big night!! Double date with my bff and barfly! I'm very super excited to see him again and watch a funny ass movie with my bff AND get to use my rewards card which hopefully welcomes me as Asshole Vaughan lol. I hope i packed all the right clothes.. pffft. i hate packing. I need a personal packer. Ok, well back to work I go awaiting 1600 to arrive so I can high tail it to EI and start my next adventure. Until next time, prost~

Friday, November 5, 2010

Perma Grin

I think i will be grinning all weekend :) Lunch was amazing!! Then we hit up the park like two teenagers. yes, the park with swings and everything :) it was AWESOME! I couldn't stop looking at him. I was happy when we went to the park so i could touch his face :) can't really do that at the restaurant...hehehe anyways, it was absolutely the best first date ever! I'm still so giddy and grinning and can't stop talking about him ;) 
And now onward to prepare for the Girls Weekend at the Saints/Panthers Game!!! Don't forget to watch for us on FOX 1pm Saints Side 25 yard line 6th row baby!!! 
until next time, prost.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Well, here goes first blog..ooohh exciting, nervous, I kinda want to vomit, or maybe that's lunch.
Anyways, I've been reading and following religiously my bff's blog chronicles of idieh, and decided what the hell I'll give it a try., what's on my big ole brain today?
What's always on my brain..Heidi, mom, dogs, work, planning birthday parties for work tomorrow, Boys, sex, skype, relationships, or lack there of, DTS, DTF, what i have to do today after work, lunch date, big game weekend.. ahhhhhhhhgrrrrrrhhhh

I feel like my head is going to explode, and i'm jumping out of my seat waiting for it to be 4:00 so i can go home and start tackling my to do list.

Why is it when you come out of a shitty relationship and i mean SHITTY, and you have a moment of clarity your life starts to make sense?  I have taken off the blinders i once had on for the past year and a half and looking through my bright shinny Snooki shades!! They are so big and bright, with a hint of pink :) It's like under all the shit i was in, i'm starting to not only smell the roses again, but actually be treated like one! WTH have i been doing lowering my standards..pffft. Well never again my friends, and if you see, read, or catch me falling off the wagon again, PLEASE catch me and put me back on. After 5 + years of nothing but losers, who can't drive, no job alcoholics I am doing ME! I am spending more time with people who matter and are always there for me when I fall into another loser's lap. Thx HB, i'm your number 1 fan ;)
So what did i do for Halloween?? I went out with just the girls dressed as Snooki and ended up catching me a Bar Fly who was totally DTS!! It's way too soon to say anything about the bar fly. I'm keeping my options opened, excited, happy, and smiling more and absolutely looking forward to my lunch date tomorrow with bar fly and then the NFL game with my bestie. Until next time. Prost.