Thursday, January 31, 2013

I'm grateful for...

So, one of my new years resolutions was to make the "365 things I'm greatful for in 2013" here's my first month ~

1- for the sunrise over the beach, Matty, love, and Friends
2- super grateful for facetime with my honey!
3- for it not raining this am so Drake and I can walk
4- for good live music ~jamming to my Dispatch CDS! Thanks KB
5- for warm clothes - polar plunge day
6- for a faithful BF!
7- for my love BF, makes my soul shine :)
8- for the ability to teach iRest to my active duty people
9- for sick leave so I can stay home with my sick baby Drake
10- for a healthy Boy this morning and warm weather!
11- for learning yoga and all my yoga books. constantly growing
12- for our friends at Flatwaters Paddling!
13- for my girlfriends and a simple walk on the beach
14- Potatoes
15- for LIFE! Happy, excited for the future ~
16- for tea tree oil and all essentrial oils
17- for Matty - muwah
18- for all my opportunites and jobs
19 - for our HOME :) Missing my love
20- for my friends driving when I can't
21- for government holidays so i can be productive at home :)
22- for no bridge work today
23- for my loving BF - so thoughtful to think of me (and tagged me on FB :) )
24- for HEAT
25- for windows that work in my truck
26- for my girls!
27- for a day of rest
28- for KB and HB, for TP and fluids
29 - for God keeping me safe
30 -for neighbor Todd jumping the truck this am
31- for losing 4 pounds!

I'm keeping it going in my lil book and will be posting at the end of each month.


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

love WORDS

Can I just say I LOVE WORDS WITH FRIENDS! Didn't realize how much I love this until not having it for a few months bc of phone issues...not only does it keep me occupied during my few minutes between meetings, groups, emails, keeps my brain ALIVE! AND the best part.. I get a quick chat with friends! FUN FUN WIN WIN Wooohoooo



Hmmmm this second cup of Black, Chocolate, Raspberry Coffee is hitting the spot as I sit on my yoga ball at my desk... yum.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Can someone just follow me around with an airhorn and blow it when I want to put crap in my mouth?

stubbling phone call

Wow. First phone call of the day is Even after one cup of coffee...i'm a stubbling stutter.."um.. hey, yeah, it's Ann-Marie, the case manager at uhhhhhh......the naval hospital...ummmm..." geeze. that was fun.. now that's out of the way.. maybe I can improve.. balh .


Thursday, January 10, 2013

1st Rant of 2013

Now, I know I am being "kinder" this year...but 10 days is long enough... I have a rant and rave for ya'll.. :) And it begins with see, I remember a time without did we ever survive not knowing what you were cooking for supper, or liking on Pinterest? Anywho.. the current rant is about the weather.. a very popular topic amongst us in the workplace, friends, family, and apparently FB.
The recent rant I have seen on FB is about how people are upset about the warm weather in January?!?! Are you kidding me?! This is one of the perks of living in NC!!! We LOVE the warm weather. Be grateful it's warm and not shovling snow and staying inside all day...we like being outdoors, paddling in riding in January...walking on the beach in the evenings...besides walking the dog at 5am in 30 degrees is not fun. Of course to each it's own...but come on man. You want snow...go get locals are loving this weather! :)


cheers ~

Monday, January 7, 2013

Sweetest words

Matt: I like stretching in the hot tub
Me: similar to hot yoga
Matt: when I get home I want to take all of your classes that I can
Me: speechless

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Be Kind 2013

It seems like the older I get, the less and less I make true resolutions. The same ole ones apply: be healthy, work out more, eat less....I have started some new projects though. . . off pintrest of course. I made a mini scrap book to write in everyday One thing I'm grateful for. ..then I have a jar I put in things that make me smile/laugh. at the end of the year, you go back and read through them all... seems fun.

Instead of "Resolutions" I have to do list....

I'd always like to save money - travel outside the US this more and more yoga...and the big one for this year BE KIND> Be KIND to everyone. I already succeeded one day!!! High Five! ooh and I'd like to put on my own yoga workshop....maybe a little SUP Yoga and arm balances....juicing...crafts.. so many ideas! Here's to turning 31 this year too...EEEEK!

I'm glad I'm blogging these so I can remember.. :)

oooh and I want to shoot for teaching 325-350 hours of yoga this year....tring to beat out my 302 from 2012! here we go!

Mark something off my bucket list I didn't in 2012.. like sky diving.. damn it! I'm going sky diving this year!!!!

OH and I'm taking my monthly sabbatical this month!! No booze for the month of January...maybe I'll go longer this year.. we'll see.. stay tuned.. what are some of your items on the "to do list"?


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Love a new one

One of my favorite parts of a new year is switching out the calendars!!!! Love it...organizing, flipping back through the last year, all of it. Ahhhh done foe another year. Happy 2013 y'all