Thursday, April 19, 2012

Our Own Reality TV Show

So, for a while now...we've been saying we are way funnier then the Jersey Shore, or MTV's the Real World, or even the Bad Girls Club (at times). Matty and I always talk about needing cameras to follow us around and catch the random adventures we find ourselves in...
Well, this weekend working at the OC, we met these totally chill guys from NOLA...within an hour of hanging out they were like "we need to come down here and film you guys" "yall need your own TV show" LOL...RIGHT!!! That's what we've been saying. I mean we could probably do this ourselves to us for even just a weekend, load it up to youtube and see what happens. I mean if Snookie can write a freakin' book, I'm damn sure we could have our own Island Reality TV Show...The Ex-Wives of EI...the Dirty 30 Of EI...Locals to the Left...something fun...can you imagine...LOL. Just from this weekend...not even the whole weekend...well yeah maybe the whole weekend, we are pretty funny to be around...and our friends we come into contact with are hilarious. You wouldn't believe some of our stories if we told you...that's why we need footage of it :)

Maybe one day...or maybe we should add this to our bucket list and just back it happen :)

Until next time~ we'll see what happens...

Monday, April 16, 2012

FB Rant

I have a lot to say today, so if you are having a bad day and do not want to be offended stop reading now. I mean it..if you don't want to be butt hurt. Please go on to the next blog. With that said.....

So, I get it...i guess, fb is a great way to reach a ton of people and ask for help...who's a good doctor, tattoo artist, planner, whatever. But to put on fb you need child care so you can go out and do fun stuff on a Friday or Saturday night completely baffles me.

For the past 6 months almost everyday there is a post on someones page that reads something like this: "need someone to watch Drake Saturday night, any takers?" or "going to a concert Friday, who wants to watch Drake for a few hours"...or recently, the one that really did it for me, just pushed it over the edge..."does anyone want to watch the boys for me on Saturday for a couple of hours so I can go skydiving?" Are you kidding me? really? you want someone to watch your kids while you go jump out of a plane!? WOW. I'm speechless. I understand just because you procreate doesn't mean you can't have fun...but I have one word for you Priority!!! You had the choice to have children, they are your responsibility, put your big girl panties on and take care of them - if that means giving up your weekends and that's too hard for you...stop making babies. Maybe I do need to hide everyone's updates on fb with a kid. That is except for family of course. Feel free to rip me a new one or leave a fun comment.

until next time - I'm hiding you.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


All morning meetings have been what am I doing!?!? Reviewing my FOOD pins and making list of what I want to cook this weekend!! LOL ON the list: Stuffed Cabbage Rolls, Lentils, Lemon Quinoa Cilantro CHickpea Salad, Refrigerator Oatmeal, Cucumber Sandwiches, and salads in a jar!!! I can't wait for Friday so I can go shopping for Food!!!! YAY...GOing super healthy while Matt's away! Excited to cook and prep food for the week! Oh wow...did that just make me sound old? when you are excited to prep food for the week...hmmmm. Oh well! I am excited so suck it! :)

Until Next TIme ~ keep pinning

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

30 and one day

It's official! I survived to 30. I am officially in my 30's. O M G! I can not believe that country song dena carter..I remember when 30 was old...oh Lord.

It's hitting me slowly I guess. Yesterday was just another day at work...except I wore a dress and got a few cards and a plant. Same ole, same ole! No huge plans for my 30's. No marriage, no kids. More traveling and more yoga workshops. I'd like to learn how to do that stand up paddle board, go sky diving, save more, spend less. Downsize my "stuff". Eat right, exercise often. Love life, enjoy the beach. Keepin' it simple.

It really hit, when Ruthie posted on fb...maybe we could all go to Ireland on our 40th Bday!!! WWWHHHHAAAAAT! We are just hitting 30 dude...whoa....halt, one said anything about over the hill yet. by then though, we're all gonna be lean, mean, fighting machines..kicking ass taking names still I'm sure. Hopefully we are aging like fine wine and cheese and not aging like an old Duck Rabbit Milk Stout - lesson learned. Either way, it's gonna be a good year. And just because we're 30 now, doesn't mean we're gonna be lame...we will still out dance your ass any day/night at the club...we may just leave earlier, and drink more you guys. Happy 30th to all you 1982 Babies!!!


Today's the Day

It's finally here. Matt leaves today to start his new adventure 1,000 miles away. It's so hard to walk out of the house knowing he won't be there tonight. Luckily I have work to keep me busy today, and Drake to keep me busy tonight. I have lots of projects to keep me busy, with the house, spring cleaning, getting rid of crap, my gardens...herbs, veggies, I'm in charge of EVERYTHING...yard work, trash, vacuum (booo), laundry, renters, bikes, cooking, dishes,'s been so wonderful these past few months having a partner in crime to divide everything with..and to ask to do things when I don't feel like it lol. and to make me coffee, or make sure the coffee is set in the morning. And let drake out late at night when i'm already in bed..Well, vaca is over for me...time to man up, and put my big girl panties on and take over like an Aries should! Probably take me a few days to get into my own routine, but I have confidence I will. Determination. 44 Days isn't that bad...44 days until he will come and visit. hmmmm. I already miss him. Drake's gonna miss him. WIth all the bad luck lately with his truck and all...I gave him my mala bracelet I made in yoga training for good luck and grounding, and saged him and Joesph this morning before I left. Say a little pray, chant a little protection chant...

So I figure my new routine will consist of more walks/jogs with Drake, cleaning something everyday, getting my pictures developed (i don't even know how to do that with my new phone), working out everyday either yoga or insanity or both..would love to start insanity again and be ripped in 44 days :) Like the commerical says, you just have to press play everyday..hmmm. We shall see. I'll definitely keep ya'll updated. For now, I'm ok. Trying to keep it together while at work. And no water proof mascara helps fight back the tears.

Until Next time ~ keep the heart smiling