Friday, December 31, 2010

new year's resolutions

 My little sister and I were driving home this morning from "girls night" which started with wine, and crackers, apples, yet turned into the Palm Room and Beer pong.. ahahah anyways, we were talking and the subject came up about taking a sabbatical from drinking. I've done it before...when I did i think 43 days or something.. So we thought it would be a good idea to not drink until either A) Spring Break (for her...remember 21yo college girl) or B) St. Patty's Day or Mardi Gras for me... what do you guys think? Along with my other do's and do nots for the year.. I'm gonna do it! Not drink for the months of Jan and Feb; wish me luck!

Here are some others I have been pondering over the last few days: 
I will not frequent the Beach House - ahh
Write and Read more Blogs 
Plan for the big 3-0
Shave my legs more 
Take more Bubble Baths - once a week at least
No More Meat
No More Fast Food
Crossing off things on my Bucket List (skydiving...)
Work out more
Quit Smoking for real this time
Save Money
More Traveling
Fall in Love; again
Wash my dogs more
DO ME!! 
Get back to school 

That's it for now.. let's see how I feel tomorrow! 

End of the year Whooooo Raaaaaaaaa 2010

WE DID IT!!!  We survived another year, well barely hahahah. Let me take you back to January 1st, 2010...on my way to work and BAM Hit a deer, and killed it with my bug and Drake in the car.. what an exciting adventure. I thought to myself, Shit, way to start the new year. So, I'm thinking I will not be driving tomorrow :) 

Jan-Feb-Mar consisted of new years celebration then BAM break ups, EI, back together, bulll shitttt. St Patty's was fun though ;) ;)

April is always fun, Birthday Month with my cuz and randoms!! 

May was full of working with teenagers, so drinking a lot and the beginning of our "summer"! 

June was GreAT!! Dockside lunches, my buddy Brackett from the Mountains visited, and I started working my new job on base! whoo hooo Big Girl Job! 

Oh Oh Oh July... i love and hated you.. Fireworks, road trip with the boys to meet up with HB for Dave Concert in VA BEach!! Now that was a fun concert!!! crappy hotel and rain, but awesome trip! I was really in love too that month.. pffft. and and lets not forget VOLLEYBALL!!!! 

Aug basically was volleyball, date nights, tequila (and real tequila too from Mexico thx to my girl) , Tank, Chubs!!!! Oh My CHUBS!! I got to meet CHubs for the first time and see my long lost fellow CWX3 homie!!! ahhh Aug was FUN! Lots of beach, booze, and friends! Oh and I went to my 9 year old cousins Bday party at the skating ring.. throw baaaack!!! 

SEPT was full of boats, fishing, hurricanes.. ha, birthdays in MB, zip lining, sushi, fighting...bad fighting, cute new shoes, ohh dress up with my friends.. and oh yes honey I have black mail video.. so you better watch yo self before I wreck yo self!! hahahahahahaha

OCT = State Fair fun with my bestie, official break up again, Halloween with SNOOKI and Barfly, and some fucking kick ass times in EI - - thanks Girls.. I have the best friends.. always there to pick me up when I get my heart ripped out. thx again bitches!!! :) 

now NOV.. wth.. already in NOV.. hahah oh yes now I remember the highlight of the month SAINTS VS PANTHERS WITH MY BESTIE.. Dear ex boys, future boys, and boys who are just friends... when your gf buys you NFL tickets to see your favorite team and super bowl champs on the 25yard line 6th row - DON"T BE A DICK! hahah Guess he learned that the hard way pfft. I had an awesome great, perfect kick ass time with my girl anyways, and the Cheif of police in Charlotte hahahah. Ohh and the shopping!!! hmmmmmm :) After coming down from the NFL GAME HIGH, NOV consisted of date nights with barfly and K-fed, Betty's Bday, Yatch Club, fishing in the damn cold, VOLLEYBALL, and not just any ole Volleyball, but Volleyball with HB!! Wine tastings at the Wine Market in EI, Christmas Parade floats, oh and me trying POF...hahaha Damn I guess Nov was full of LIFE!!

Onto Dec... UGLY Christmas Sweater Party, gift exchanges, WINNING THE MOTHER FUCKING VOLLEYBALL CHAMPIONSHIP with the ex's team ugggg... but still.. WE WON, my country boys from Mooresville came for a visit, more Betty, Palm Room, Cameron, hanging with my little cuz, ice skating, CHristmas Cooking, snow, a wonderful visit from a dear friend, oh shit, how could I have almost forgot.. my 10 year reunion..geeze.. and now to cap off a fun filled 2010 as I was driving home this morning with Tank in my lap this time I hit a mother fucking squirrel and yep you guessed it killed the sukka... damn squirrel should know better then to run out in front of the bug...WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!?!?!? It's like the Double Rainbow...what does it mean?

Until Next Time ~ Prost

28 is weird, but

A response to HB ~ 

yeah dude.. i wanted to have kids up until this month.. i mean just last year i felt "IT".. the clock.. every time I turned a corner there was a cute baby in my face.. it was all i could think not so sure.. I think I am too selfish to have a child...right now. I like my life....there are so many things i want to cross off my bucket list..and having a child just doesn't seem to top the list anymore. I mean look at people that don't have children - they are out there living their lives...And I'm now understanding the term "age is just a number". Yes Biological I am 28, but there are times I feel like i'm 17 again, or 21, or some mornings I get out of bed after a night out feeling "22" and I wake up to feeling 40ish. Thank God for bubble baths and wine! :) SO dude, I totally support whatever you do, and I think you would make a great "housewife"...hmmm i don't like that term.. you would still be you, just have a mini me to teach the world to.. like a new project..and see that 's the problem for me... The last few months being single again has opened my eyes to what I want and i'm getting out there and doing it! If I had a child I couldn't run up to EI every time I wanted, jump on a plane and head to LA when a friend needs me.. go out for sushi with the crew when they call...It's ALL ABOUT THEM...and you know my favorite slogan has always been "it's all about me"...and my dogs, and my friends.. throw a baby or a husband in that and it just seems to throw off my fung shui.

Until Next Time ~ Prost

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Our Generation

AHHHHH Christmas is over!

Although I wasn't in the whole spirit of Christmas this year I was able to enjoy every ounce of the true meaning of friendship, family, and all that jazz. For us here on the coast we actually got snowed in, well not me per say, but some of the family did; up to 11 inches whoaaa! So, they were unable to make it to our Day after Christmas Lunch or what I like to call Sunday Funday! :) So for our Sunday Funday event it was local friends, old friends, mom, and myself! Oh, and don't forget the house of dogs!!! It was a wonderful way to celebrate or enjoy the Christmas cheer, that and the bottles of wine that oh so easily disappeared hahaha. Apples to Apples, football, wine = an awesome Christmas Sunday Funday!!

So as I missed the family a little, I got to thinking and asking my other friends about family...some have big ole families, some have itty bitty families like myself. So I asked what is the true meaning of "family"? For me it's not about the biological ties one has to each other. I think it has always been like that for me. I remember growing up with just mom and me, and always having people in and out of the house; we always had someone living with us that wasn't biologically tied to us.

The older I get the more and more I learn to cherish my friendships. I mean truly and dearly cherish them, and not take them for granted, because one doesn't really know if we will see each other again. As a teenager, all I wanted was to be with my friends, and now those close knit friends have become my family. It's a special bond, a love like no other. It's a different love then you have for your biological family. I mean don't get me wrong I LOVE LOVE LOVE my mom, she's my world - all the sacrifices, hard work, she has done for me...whoooooaaa. Maybe it was my recent 10 year High School Reunion that started bringing up these feelings too...hmmm bc oh boy did we have a good time and saw some people I haven't seen in 10 years.. where did the time go...anyways.
So my point I'm trying to make is for my generation my friends = my family. For each friend there is a different feeling or love I have for them, and in the end it's all LOVE. Maybe it's just my generation that feels the way I do, or maybe it's just me...
The True Meaning of Christmas for me this year was opening my home, my heart, and arms to my family. This year for the first time I was able to spoil my mom like crazy (prob because I didn't have a stupid boyfriend to waste my money on), open my home to a very dear friend in need, cook a big ole feast for the fam, and celebrate with some awesome kick ass people! Even though I was missing my HB, she was with me in spirit..mostly because I was showing off the kick ass gift she gave me..A PINK FISHING ROD THAT LIGHTS UP WHEN YOU REEL IT IN!!! awesome! The Christmas Spirit found me after all :)

Now onto New Years.....

Until Next Time ~ Prost

Monday, December 6, 2010

One more thing I hate about Winter

If one more person asked me if I'm from Fl. I'm gonna scream. So, I was out and about this cold cold weekend all bundled up; winter jacket which makes me look like little red riding hood, scarf which i wear over my face so my eyes are only showing, gloves, and hat. People kept asking oh you must be from FL.. over and over again. No mother fuckers i'm from right here born and raised in NC. Now, granted I grew up on the beach all my life, but geeze I am not from FL..not that there is anything wrong with FL. I LOVE FL too. I wish i was there right now :) I just hate, despise the cold weather.. i don't want to be cold. I mean just last week i was riding around with the top down in the bug, and now tonight is suppose to be 22 degrees really?!!? Is it summer yet? Oh and you can forget about volleyball..uh, those "sand socks" do nothing for me.. even with layers under them my feet are still numb when i get home. Thank God there is only 2 more games left.

So things I hate about the cold:
1) you have to heat up your car, or warm it up before you leave which takes longer..uggg
2) can't leave the house with wet hair..ghhhhh
3) It's freaking dark at 530pm..boooooooooo
4) can't play outside (volleyball, bikes..) without wearing a million clothes
5) wearing a million clothes - ugg.. the worse is driving an hour or more to work and you can't even turn your head because of your hat or scarf. I feel like i was in a neck brace this morning.. and i can't move my arms because of the many freaking layers of shirts, light sweater, and heavy coats i have on...
6) driving with gloves am I suppose to text, fb, or change my ipod songs.. geeze.