Tuesday, February 15, 2011

i don't even want to blog today

I don't even feel like blogging today. You know what I really want to do? Pop a xannie and sleep until 4am tomorrow...damn responsibilities and work...I haven't gotten all "emo" as he calls it though since 6am...I'm trying to trick my brain into thinking he's just home and not about to be 1,000 miles away from me for 38 days. And I thought 11 days was tough.. I guess I'll find out how real this is..I know I'm strong and can handle pretty much anything (except the dentist), so we'll see. At least I have VB and Yoga to look forward to...this week.. I still have been eating crap today...well besides the leftovers I'm still munching on that Matty made yum! Then someone brought me a cupcake at work today - thanks thanks a lot.. i'm trying not to be a fat ass lol..oh and the 2 pcs of chocolate I had, not to mention the booocuuuu's of coffee I've drank today...I need to switch to water for the next 38 days.. uggg 38 days sounds like f'n forever...oh wait it is . . . I need a boost today, I need some energy..I miss him already and it's only been 6 freakin hours.. great.. alright.. I need to STOP this and get busy..DO IT.

OMG I love my Dr I work with...he just brought over his cot from his office and said I would probably use it more then him.. and I can keep it in my office!! No more napping on my hard desk YAY!!!!! heheheheheheh maybe I'll test it out today!!! hmmmmm that makes me happy! ;)

Researching flights is giving me a headache.. uhhhgggg anyone wanna fly me to AR in their private jet!??!??! Oh well.. This blog is really about nothing so I'm gonna stop now and go smoke.. yep, I'm smoking again....deal with it.

Until next time bitches ~ uggggggggggggg

ps ~ love you dude

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