Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Team Munoz

OMG I haven't even blogged today! Geeze...So still going strong not drinking, even at vb last night! But I'm really just saving up for this weekend, and so I can get into my sexy jeans :) I didn't even have a milkshake today - i saw them, but said NO! hahahahhaa The smoking is another's like oh January is over, time to smoke again ugggg...i'm jumping right back into identifying myself as a "smoker"..ugggg

So after work, and yoga and dinner, and packing and laundry and shower and LAURA"S HAVING A BABY...i've totally forgot about my blog.. sorry.. a lot going on tonight!!! and even better I GET TO SEE MATTY TOMORROW!! And, the best part is, I get to see him for the next week!! yeah!!! Country's coming to spend some AnnMo time...volleybal, yoga, Compton live downtown wed night... oh it's gonna be a good next week!!! OMG and Laura's having the baby!!! whoo hoooooo come on NOAH!

Dinner was amazing thanks to Jamie and Jim!!! I love yoga/dinner nights!! hmm hmmm They out do themselves every week!!! and I get to reap the benefits!! thanks again guys!! WOW I do have some freaking amazing friends! I'm about 80% packed! so that's good.. I hate packing.. uggg, pj's work out clothes, jeans, tshirts, fuck, slutty going out clothes...cold weather clothes ugggg....I can't wait for tomorrow when I get to the country!!! Probably won't be blogging this weekend either, so you bitches will just have to wait till monday after superbowl...GO GREENBAY. 

well good night. and GO LAURA!!!!! LOVE YOU AND NOAH>> HOPE HE COMES OUT FIST PUMPING and hope you don't pooped the table! :)

until next time ~ MUWAH UNST UNST UNST 

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