Monday, February 14, 2011

VH1's Best Week Ever

It has been the most wonderful week ever. If we could be on VH1's Best Week ever we would! It's been so nice not only having a man around the house this week, but a real man...guess I had to go country to find him. Glad I did..and it's all thanks to Gary :)
So I was a little weary about having matty come down for a whole week due to my hectic schedule of waking up super duper early, working all day driving 3 hours a day for work, then by the time I'm home it's on to vb, yoga, dogs, dinner, shower, tv, Jersey Shore...but :) you know what? It's been freakin' incredible.. now granted I had a snow day in the middle of the week which veered me off my strict schedule of not drinking and staying out late, but he's been GREAT! He's cooked for me OMG I KNOW RIGHT!??! To have dinner ready when I get home is amazing...def not use to that. He did yoga twice this week with me AND played 3 hours of VB with me yesterday...DAMN! along with momma duke's "honey do" list for him...tearing holes in walls, putting up new lights, and latches....He's been's actually been fun being a little domesticated this week...although I'm going to cry and be really sad when he leaves, I'm glad I have a plan of action. WORK OUT WORK OUT WORK OUT READ>>>YOGA>>>>VB>>>>. I need to get back on track..i mean it's freakin' half way thru FEB...hopefully by the time I go out to AR to see him and the band I will be a leaner lighter AnnMO!! :)

Anyways, back to him being just as awesome as me!!  I thought we had decided NO presents for VDAY...but to my surprise I got presents yesterday!!! hehehehe so freakin' thoughtful favorite perfume which I was out of.. a new little black clutch bag (that fits in his jacket pocket too ;) ) and chocolate yum! Even better then presents just has been spending time with him; whether it's been playing vb, yoga, taking the dogs to the beach, just laying on the couch napping, and my favorite - bubble baths :) :) :) Oh yeah.. I almost forgot I haven't blogged all weekend... well, if you've been on my FB you know by's official official...he's my boyfriend :) !!! He totally freakin' knows me too..he asked me by asking if I thought we should change our fb status'...hehehehehe how cute!!! MUWAH why fight it right?! I've never been happier...still a little freaked out and scared, BUT I'm happy and never have been this happy or felt this I'm going with it!!

Until Next Time BITCHES ~ MUWAH

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