Monday, February 21, 2011

Staying Busy

I have new countdowns I'm introducing Day 7 no alcohol and 31 days until AR! Yep that's right.. no drinking until st patty's day weekend when I will be working the beer tent for a few hours on EI!!! hahahaha and 31 more days until I fly out to more of the stix in Arkansas and visit my babbbbbbby! I still get butterflies or fireflies in my stomach when he text me, and especially when he tells me "omg I f'n miss you". It's almost as if my stomach drops down and out of my body and I can't pick it back up...does that even make sense??

This weekend was fun!! Walmart, grillin' out by myself, walking my doggies, biking, sunday funday on the vb courts getting some sun, playing lots of vb with half naked men...not a bad way to end the weekend...OH wait.. snap.. Today was a holiday plan was to finish laundry, cook, walk the dogs and chill... change of plans thanks to my bitch at work Susie Q!!! I got to be a tourist in my own city for a few hours...hit up the battleship today!! It was soo much fun!! I haven't been on the ship since i think the 3rd grade when I had my boy haircut and new kids on the block tshirt to make my holiday monday even better was a surprise shopping spree with momma dukes!!! new shoes, new work clothes, new play clothes, and yoga clothes!! Yay!!! Love it..and a great dinner to tie it all off!!! Still sober people.. don't even want to drink.. what I need to do is commit to some insanity...fuck I haven't even started yet... ok...tomorrow...after work....INSANITY TIME. Time to drop some serious poundage :) 

So when i thought he couldn't get any sweeter, he does....he says the freakin' sweetest shit ever..."baby, you are my soul mate i finally understand what love really is and I'm smitten"

Geeze-a-pete!! I'm totally smitten. Not only am I smitten, but mom told me tonight how much she likes him may not realize this is the first guy EVER my mom has 110% approved of, liked, gotten along with....hmmmmmmm. Well, I'm off ....prob blog more tomorrow... 

until next time bitches ~ Prost

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