I was going to finally blog today....but once again time ran out....so much has happened in the last two months!!!
We moved!
I'm 1/2 way to being a certified yogi
hmmm I guess that's it... seems like more... oh well... another year ending another LEAP YEAR around the corner... Definitely going to catch up soon and plan out the next year! GET READY!
The usual girl babble, my girls, diet, exercise, life, boys, dating 101, and all of my crazy adventures. Basically my life and if you're in it, you're in my blog. I have the worse dating luck or HAD the worse dating luck. I thought I was cursed bc I have failed in all relationships until now :) Yep, back on the LOVE TRAIN -this time with a keeper, a good ole country boy from NC! Every girl needs a few things in her life: girlfriends, yoga, shoes, and a country boy ;) love you Matty muwah
Monday, December 19, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Favorite Sutra
In my yoga teaching training we have homework...one of our assignments is to write about our favorite sutra...I just finished it and will share it in my blog...considering the only real writing I have been doing this year is blogging...i kinda wrote the one page paper like I talk/write in my blogs...we'll see how well it goes over in class. . .
Choosing just one single sutra has not been as easy as I thought. Reading through the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, and highlighting, staring, flipping the corner of the pages on the sutras I like the best was phase one. Phase two consisted of jotting down all the Sutras I had marked as “my favorite” and trying to comb through them; weeding out the ones that didn’t jump off the page and grab me by the heart and soul. This is not an easy task. As I am going on day 5 of my search for my most favorite sutra I have finally…finally narrowed it down to three. Ugggggg. Sometimes being an Aries bites me in the ass, being somewhat indecisive or is it just being super duper particular in the choices I make…idk.
Alright I DID IT! I have narrowed it down to my all time favorite sutra, well that is my favorite sutra for today, for the week, the one that truly speaks to me and my practice, the one that I can’t delete. Drum roll please……TADA Book 1.29 ~ from this practice all the obstacles disappear and simultaneously dawns knowledge of the inner Self.
I’ll start with the first half of this sutra; from this practice all the obstacles disappear. For me, every time I leave a class I feel like a whole new woman. The minute I step outside the studio, I feel taller, I feel cleansed. As I’m driving home, usually in silence because I don’t want anything to interrupt my blissful state of mind, I’m at peace. I’m guessing it’s the endorphins bursting out of my body, or the emotions that have been released from my inner organs…it’s a very, extremely, intense euphoric feeling I keep going back for more. After a hard, stressful day at work of non-stop running back and forth in the hospital, calling commands, making sure I’m doing the best I can, but better…I need some yoga in my life. I need peace and bliss and that “ahhhhhh” moment. After a hard day with my mother I need yoga, I need the practice to clear my head, to re-boot my system, to cleanse my body, soul, and mind. And that’s exactly what it feels like when I step out of the studio, especially after a hot session! I can just breath, no obstacles. No physical obstacles, no racing thoughts, no to do list running a mile a minute in my brain - no obstacles period. Just sheer freedom and bliss!
…Simultaneously dawns knowledge of the inner Self…My take on the second half of this sutra is, after all of my obstacles have disappeared I can begin to see/feel the knowledge of my inner being. Everything just seems a bit clearer. I guess what I’m trying to say is once you clear all the smoke and garbage out of the way you are able to see the true inner beauty of one’s self. Oh wow, that sounds cheesy, the inner beauty of one’s self…geeze-a-pete. It’s like the feeling of the sun on your face on a cold cold day. The warmth of the sunshine radiating down on your skin and for that one moment in time everything stops. The obstacles disappear and the sunshine seeps into your soul. That’s what yoga feels like to me. Yoga is my sunshine beaming down on my skin, stopping time, and seeping into my inner self.
Until Next Time ~ OM
Thursday, September 22, 2011
X vs Y (part 2)
...Maybe nothing is supposed to last forever. Forever is some made up fairy tale word from Disney movies and grandparents. Maybe it's a never ending journey...one adventure after another.
I like adventure
I like knowing he's there for me
I like the feeling of his arms wrapped around me tightly
I like playing in the grocery stores with him
I love the way he looks at me, even when he thinks I didn't notice
I love the way he loves me
I like the fact we are taking things slow, whether we want to or not..we kind of have to living 268 miles apart. There's no seeing each other everyday, no getting sick and tired of each other, no living together and the stressors that accompany that mess. It's been since right before New Year's when we met, and since February we made it an "official couple status" :) That alone took a lot for me. The part of me that is ready to let go, dive in, and take both feet off the floor is starting to take over my IDK about this yet side..if that makes any sense at all. My wall has been crumbling down and I'm standing only on my tippy toes, I can feel it. Yes, I'm still terrified of making the ultimate leap of faith and falling completely in his arms for the long haul...
However, over the last few days...seems like more and more I'm changing my mind yet again. I'm sick and tired of the long distance bs...i'm ready for him to be here, i'm ready for us to do the damn thing and live under the same damn roof...It's been a complete years since I"ve cleansed myself from living with a guy, and I think now i'm ready.. Besides this time it'll be different, right?! I mean this just isn't any guy...this is my FPE!!! My country living, gun toting, motorcycle riding, beer/vodka/whiskey drinkin', fb addict, hard workin', American made, tattoo lovin', meat eating, dog loving, LOVE OF MY LIFE!!! This time IT WILL BE FUN!!!! Time shall tell...stay tuned!
Until Next Time ~ Just DO iT!!!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Ok people...ADULTS...Female Adults...after using the bathroom please look behind you at the toilet and wipe off any drops or hairs you have left behind. Thanks - I expect this from people at the bar who are intoxicated, but grown ass women who can't clean up the f'n toilet are pissing me off....and if this continues to happen, I will start taking pictures of it and posting them on the web :)
Until Next Time ~ look before you squat...
Friday, September 16, 2011
Long Distance The good bad and crazy
Most of us have either tried it or know someone who has...the dreaded long distance relationship. Now let's clarify long distance, or I'll explain my definition of what I think it is... Long distance relationships are when you live too far away from each other to have slumber parties whenever you want, at the drop of a hat. When you have to drive hours or get on a plane to see your loved one. When you talk on the phone, fb, or skype more then you actually get to touch and feel each other. When you have the whole phone/video sex thing down to a science. Basically, when you are dating someone and that someone is not with you 24hours/day due to geography.
I've tried for my whole 29 years to avoid this type of relationship...just the thought of it makes me cringe & wrinkle my nose. The thought of being with someone who is far far far away leaves a lot to the imagination, especially those of us with the X factor (x chromosome).
The Good.
I like the independence factor. This was something I was lacking in my last fucked up relationship. Sometimes when you spend every waking moment with someone, they just get on your damn nerves. I love the fact we have our own things going on..he has his life, I have mine, and then we meet in the middle every other week or so...I feel like that we talk way more then in any other of my relationships..I actually care what he's doing and has to say, and I want to know how his day is..what he did..thank God for technology and texting! When we are together it's fucking amazing. it's easy, it's magical...fantastical..it's not even work...no compromises hmmmmm except the fact I don't have real mayo in the house...next time babe..I'm going to get some today!
I like that we're not always up each other's ass..but in order for this to work you gotta trust each other and COMMUNICATE..that's the big one.. just a lil text every now and then to say hey, thinking about ya..love you dude..that's all it takes :) My weekly routine is usually action packed anyways, so not seeing him everyday has been a good thing...I feel bad making him come to vb and yoga...
I like that we're not always up each other's ass..but in order for this to work you gotta trust each other and COMMUNICATE..that's the big one.. just a lil text every now and then to say hey, thinking about ya..love you dude..that's all it takes :) My weekly routine is usually action packed anyways, so not seeing him everyday has been a good thing...I feel bad making him come to vb and yoga...
The Bad.
HELLO! He's 268 miles away from me at any given time..322 when I'm at work, SUCKS ASS. Not seeing him everyday. Not knowing the next time i'll see him or get to visit..this is why every time we are together I cherish every second. Spending all this money on travel, gas, plane tickets...Only getting a few days every other week; which is a lot better now that we are in the same state. ARKANSAS was not fun...Hopefully he'll never have to go that far again. When he does come down, I get super lazy on my weekly routine..I don't run, I eat like shit, drink...so these things will have to start to fade. Last night was good...we walked Drake for about 28 minutes! better then laying around fucking all day..that too is exercise though! Going to bed without him :( I sleep so much better with him laying next to me. Everytime he leaves I cry, even though I know I'll see him again I still get sad...
The Crazy.
That damn X Factor gets in the way, even when you try super hard for it to vanish...I thought I have been doing pretty well suppressing my X factor aka the crazy gene...every now and then she pops out, makes an appearance just to remind us all she still exists. So from time to time, when I don't hear from him, or his phone dies, the X factor comes out and the thoughts in my head stir the pot.."why isn't he answering?" "where is he?" "what is he doing?" "who's he doing it with?"....oh and the occasional "friend" of his who likes to fuck with us and send me fucked up text about him and the ex-wife...get a life. I guess that's it - the X factor. As long as I can keep her under wraps..it's good.
Bottom Line.
In the end, I know he loves me. Loves me with all his heart and I love him. I may still have a few toes on the ground and a few fading bricks left on my wall, but he's it..He's my FPE (favorite person ever).
Until Next Time ~ XOXOXO
HELLO! He's 268 miles away from me at any given time..322 when I'm at work, SUCKS ASS. Not seeing him everyday. Not knowing the next time i'll see him or get to visit..this is why every time we are together I cherish every second. Spending all this money on travel, gas, plane tickets...Only getting a few days every other week; which is a lot better now that we are in the same state. ARKANSAS was not fun...Hopefully he'll never have to go that far again. When he does come down, I get super lazy on my weekly routine..I don't run, I eat like shit, drink...so these things will have to start to fade. Last night was good...we walked Drake for about 28 minutes! better then laying around fucking all day..that too is exercise though! Going to bed without him :( I sleep so much better with him laying next to me. Everytime he leaves I cry, even though I know I'll see him again I still get sad...
The Crazy.
That damn X Factor gets in the way, even when you try super hard for it to vanish...I thought I have been doing pretty well suppressing my X factor aka the crazy gene...every now and then she pops out, makes an appearance just to remind us all she still exists. So from time to time, when I don't hear from him, or his phone dies, the X factor comes out and the thoughts in my head stir the pot.."why isn't he answering?" "where is he?" "what is he doing?" "who's he doing it with?"....oh and the occasional "friend" of his who likes to fuck with us and send me fucked up text about him and the ex-wife...get a life. I guess that's it - the X factor. As long as I can keep her under wraps..it's good.
Bottom Line.
In the end, I know he loves me. Loves me with all his heart and I love him. I may still have a few toes on the ground and a few fading bricks left on my wall, but he's it..He's my FPE (favorite person ever).
Until Next Time ~ XOXOXO
X vs Y (part 1)
I'm so freakin' fickle as FUCK.
There have been several times in my life the thought of switching out my X chromosome for a Y has crossed thru my big ole brain...and not just for the obvious reasons like:
boys get to pee standing up absolutely ANYWHERE they want
when they don't shower it's perfectly acceptable
they don't have to shave their legs or peekachoos
they don't have to shave their legs or peekachoos
boys get to roll out of bed, wipe the crust out of their eyes and mouth, throw on dirty jeans and a t-shirt and need no wardrobe change throughout the day
they can pack for an entire trip in a Food Lion Bag..it's just not fair LOL.
ALl of these are great reasons, however after dating boys for the last .... say 16 years and this is not counting my "pre-school" bf Jon bc frankly I just don't remember. I guess my first real boyfriend was 5th or 6th grade at Gramercy Christian School..hahah yep I went to a Christian School, right! Jefferson Balou or something like that..that's when I fell for the blond hair blue eyes hahahha and my first real kiss..on a field trip at the aquarium.. wow.. why and how do I remember all of this after alllllll these years?? You see it's the freakin' X Chromosome...I betcha boys don't remember bs like this..damn sentimental chromosome Aggggggggggg.
Back to the point, after 16 years of dating and 23 months of marriage a girl learns a thing or twenty about what she wants and how to get it :) Let's see here...longest relationship ...hmmmmm I guess it was my ex-husband if you include dating and marriage.. all for a total of rougly 3.5 years.. damn.. that's a long time.. and you see this is why I tend to date like a guy.. I think 3.5 years is FOREVER...usually my typical relationship a few months maybe a year if you last that long..or if I don't get bored..that has A LOT to do with it...I get super bored super fast. Fact.
Let's see, then there was the middle school bf..all through 8th grade, until we went off to separate High Schools...HS dating was always fun...and a bit messy at times lol..HS was when I discovered oooohh it's ok to date older boys...perfectly acceptable to date someone 23/24 when you're 16 bc your mom introduced you and he's a "good guy" HA.. that was fun times.. all the spiced rum and tequila worms a teenager could ask for!!
Then, I discovered my first Leo Lover...it's true Leo's and Aries are just meant to be together...and it helped he was at ECU so me and the girls had a place to PAAAARTY!!
hmmmmm then college, oh yes...not quite sure how I met this one, but dating the manager of Bert's Surf Shop on EI definitely had it's perks!! like the time Crystal and I needed new going out wear, but the shop was closed..thanks for opening it up and letting us shop celebrity style!! Oh and dont' you know I still rock my 2 beach cruisers!! Oh Lord he had a crazy mother though...a three legged dog, and a pool :) But he too got his heart trampled on..i got bored/drunk/21st bday party... Leo showed up.. you know the story.. you just can't keep Leo's and Aries apart LOL Bha ahahah ahah.
Then I realized it was WAAAAAAAAAY more fun not to be in a serious relationship...I liked the 'playing the field' days...good times.. then I met my stupid husband...was blinded by IDK what..after that fiasco it was onto the playing field Wilmington Style!! oh yeah!!! A bunch bigger pool to fish in... Lets see after the disaster of a marriage there were just 3 "serious" ones..i think... the German, oh the German..lil Ryan..which I think he has a kid now..awww lil Ryan...and the no driver license, part time cook, video game playin, stripper fucking ex asshole. The German was a great summer fling...then he went back to Germany of course.. still great friends...I'll always have a special place for the German...I thought lil Ryan was it...we even went as far as living together...whoa!! This was the first boy I lived with besides the ex husband...this was serious...oh I left out the part he was only 20 when I met him... HAHHAHA I took him to his first legal bar for his bday hahahhah damn it...let's see that would have made me...25 ish...hehehehhe OMG he was just such a lil cutie..HOT, Young, and turned me on to Lil Wayne...oh yeah! I think it was after lil Ryan I had written off boys, dating, living together...He absolutely broke my heart, horrible, just horrible. Some advice, living together after you break up...not good for the psyche.
So here I was bartending, going out all the time with my friends and girls..living the life!! Loving Life!! this is where the term baskets came about...HAHAHhahah there was nice/lunch basket, beer delivery guy basket(s), and tall basket who turned into be and the no driver license, part time cook, video game playin, stripper fucking ex asshole. . Coming off a bad break up I was not inclined to jump right into another serious relationship..so we hung out..then I got rid of all my other baskets and dated this guy..worst relationship ever...sure it was fun in the very beginning, but he was waaaay to possessive and always keeping tabs on me...like if i went to the gym after work and didn't call him he'd freak the fuck out and accuse me of cheating..you would think I would have learned and figured out my learning curve by now but noooooo i stuck it out for a lil while longer then push came to shove..literally and this courtship ended.
Then, I discovered my first Leo Lover...it's true Leo's and Aries are just meant to be together...and it helped he was at ECU so me and the girls had a place to PAAAARTY!!
hmmmmm then college, oh yes...not quite sure how I met this one, but dating the manager of Bert's Surf Shop on EI definitely had it's perks!! like the time Crystal and I needed new going out wear, but the shop was closed..thanks for opening it up and letting us shop celebrity style!! Oh and dont' you know I still rock my 2 beach cruisers!! Oh Lord he had a crazy mother though...a three legged dog, and a pool :) But he too got his heart trampled on..i got bored/drunk/21st bday party... Leo showed up.. you know the story.. you just can't keep Leo's and Aries apart LOL Bha ahahah ahah.
Then I realized it was WAAAAAAAAAY more fun not to be in a serious relationship...I liked the 'playing the field' days...good times.. then I met my stupid husband...was blinded by IDK what..after that fiasco it was onto the playing field Wilmington Style!! oh yeah!!! A bunch bigger pool to fish in... Lets see after the disaster of a marriage there were just 3 "serious" ones..i think... the German, oh the German..lil Ryan..which I think he has a kid now..awww lil Ryan...and the no driver license, part time cook, video game playin, stripper fucking ex asshole. The German was a great summer fling...then he went back to Germany of course.. still great friends...I'll always have a special place for the German...I thought lil Ryan was it...we even went as far as living together...whoa!! This was the first boy I lived with besides the ex husband...this was serious...oh I left out the part he was only 20 when I met him... HAHHAHA I took him to his first legal bar for his bday hahahhah damn it...let's see that would have made me...25 ish...hehehehhe OMG he was just such a lil cutie..HOT, Young, and turned me on to Lil Wayne...oh yeah! I think it was after lil Ryan I had written off boys, dating, living together...He absolutely broke my heart, horrible, just horrible. Some advice, living together after you break up...not good for the psyche.
So here I was bartending, going out all the time with my friends and girls..living the life!! Loving Life!! this is where the term baskets came about...HAHAHhahah there was nice/lunch basket, beer delivery guy basket(s), and tall basket who turned into be and the no driver license, part time cook, video game playin, stripper fucking ex asshole. . Coming off a bad break up I was not inclined to jump right into another serious relationship..so we hung out..then I got rid of all my other baskets and dated this guy..worst relationship ever...sure it was fun in the very beginning, but he was waaaay to possessive and always keeping tabs on me...like if i went to the gym after work and didn't call him he'd freak the fuck out and accuse me of cheating..you would think I would have learned and figured out my learning curve by now but noooooo i stuck it out for a lil while longer then push came to shove..literally and this courtship ended.
Over the last 9 years of dating there's been heart break, and heart breaking from both sides. Each time I get a little tougher, a little wiser, one more brick is added to the wall and one more toe is put back firmly on the ground. . . So why oh why do we as women go right back into relationship after relationship.. what are we searching for? what are we hoping for? What am I searching for? I had the fairy tale wedding, I dated a motorcycle driving, tennis playing European, I've rocked the cradle, musicians...I think you're meant to love lots, touch people's lives, have them touch yours, then move on...maybe it's a never ending search of nothing. Maybe nothing is supposed to last forever. Forever is some made up fairy tale word from Disney movies and grandparents. Maybe it's a never ending journey...one adventure after another...whatever it is, us X chromosomes are very resilient..we tend to bounce back, jump back on the horse..with help of course from the best medicine - your girl friends!
Until Next Time...to be continued.
Until Next Time...to be continued.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Back in the BAR
She meaning ME, and back meaning behind the BAR!!!
Every Sunday Noon to 8ish you can find my ass at MUGSY'S PUB downtown Wilmington on the corner of 2nd and Princess...DO IT!!
Until Next Time ~ Get your Drink & Grub on at MUGSY'S
I love sleeping in the middle of my bed! Not "our" bed, not "your" bed, MY BED!
This is one of the most comfortable positions EVER!!
Sprawled OUT!
Taking up every inch of the bed. I love sleeping in the middle with all my 8 pillows at my head, beside me, and with the warmth of Drake either at my feet or spooning up next to me...Now, don't get me wrong. I love love love sleeping next to Matty, but that's just not realistic every night. And besides we tend to steal the covers from one another...I like the sheets, he likes the covers.. so until next time ~ happy sleeping
Monday, September 12, 2011
Lots going on.. as usual
So I started this blog a few days ago.. just now getting around to finishing it...
I'm a hot mess most days HAHAH It's good to be able to laugh at yourself...I catch myself doing this on a daily basis! I don't really know where to start this morning so much is swirling around in this big ole brain of mine.. let's see where it takes us...
1) Why is it so freakin' hard for people to understand I DON"T WANT CHILDREN...a co-worker yesterday just found out I got fixed...and was like "oh, but what if..." naw dude.. there is no what if's..He said that was a selfish thing to do..and I replied I KNOW! I AM SELFISH.. better knowing now then to bring a kid into the world and not taking care of it...
2) Marriage - I tried it, didn't like it, wasn't good at it...more then likely will never do it again...I like myself too much hahhahaha...I'm just saying if you're in Vegas and the chance arises to bet on me getting married...slim to none. SO back the fuck off people.. geeze.. GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULLS...I don't want kids, and I don't want to get married.. the end. I"M HAPPY.
3) School - I want to go back to school sooo bad, I just don't want to do the prep work ...
4) JOB bartending - wanted one, GOT ONE! Yeah BUDDY!! Mugsey's Downtown SUNDAYS...come see me once again behind the bar, doing what I do...unst unst unst ..
5) Running - I ran over the weekend meaning saturday..wanted to sunday but got caught up watching 911 all morning before work, but the run..FELT AMAZING!!! why do i get in my lazy funks....I wanna run everyday!!!!
6) Long Distance good bad evil - this will have it's own blog....
Until Next Time -- KEEP UP YO
I'm a hot mess most days HAHAH It's good to be able to laugh at yourself...I catch myself doing this on a daily basis! I don't really know where to start this morning so much is swirling around in this big ole brain of mine.. let's see where it takes us...
1) Why is it so freakin' hard for people to understand I DON"T WANT CHILDREN...a co-worker yesterday just found out I got fixed...and was like "oh, but what if..." naw dude.. there is no what if's..He said that was a selfish thing to do..and I replied I KNOW! I AM SELFISH.. better knowing now then to bring a kid into the world and not taking care of it...
2) Marriage - I tried it, didn't like it, wasn't good at it...more then likely will never do it again...I like myself too much hahhahaha...I'm just saying if you're in Vegas and the chance arises to bet on me getting married...slim to none. SO back the fuck off people.. geeze.. GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULLS...I don't want kids, and I don't want to get married.. the end. I"M HAPPY.
3) School - I want to go back to school sooo bad, I just don't want to do the prep work ...
4) JOB bartending - wanted one, GOT ONE! Yeah BUDDY!! Mugsey's Downtown SUNDAYS...come see me once again behind the bar, doing what I do...unst unst unst ..
5) Running - I ran over the weekend meaning saturday..wanted to sunday but got caught up watching 911 all morning before work, but the run..FELT AMAZING!!! why do i get in my lazy funks....I wanna run everyday!!!!
6) Long Distance good bad evil - this will have it's own blog....
Until Next Time -- KEEP UP YO
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Annoyed to the core
I am ready to either cry or snap someone's freakin' neck right off...ugggg...annoyed, frustrated with everything at this point....ugggg feel like a red headed step child...under appreciated, kicked to the curb, homeless, dirty.. just freakin UEGGGG..I only hope no one looks at me the wrong way for the rest of the day, or ask me another fucking stupid question.. uggg ugg uggg I just want to go home relax in the bath and melt away...THis is pass, I know ... just go away already geeze.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Black Coffee
Since My new obsession with water fasting and the raw food movement, I have started and continued throughout the week (well since wed..hahaha) to drink black coffee...I am the last person on this earth who would ever think about doing this.. I have always been the gal who likes a lil coffee with her cream and sugar...but I have to tell you.. black coffee isn't all that bad!! AND, it's way easier to fix in the morning LOL!! so cheers to black coffee drinkers around the world!!
Now, onto my fasting results.. HA.. I made it 20 hours wed on my water fast...then ate dinner.. but i wasn't all that hungry.. weird.. yesterday I allowed myself to eat...but definitely noticed i wasn't all that hungry during the day so cut my food waaaaay down... today started with my black coffee, water, and now some green tea.. after yoga this morning I will move on to my banana if hungry.. I'm liking this idea of water fasting!! Skin's clearing up, I feel a lot better, could be from all the yoga this week too :) and it's a hell of a lot cheaper to have water for lunch! HA!! I'm down with that! Maybe it's not "fasting", maybe it's just the "poor girls' diet" LOL..
Until Next Time ~ enjoy your fucking FRIDAY!!!
Now, onto my fasting results.. HA.. I made it 20 hours wed on my water fast...then ate dinner.. but i wasn't all that hungry.. weird.. yesterday I allowed myself to eat...but definitely noticed i wasn't all that hungry during the day so cut my food waaaaay down... today started with my black coffee, water, and now some green tea.. after yoga this morning I will move on to my banana if hungry.. I'm liking this idea of water fasting!! Skin's clearing up, I feel a lot better, could be from all the yoga this week too :) and it's a hell of a lot cheaper to have water for lunch! HA!! I'm down with that! Maybe it's not "fasting", maybe it's just the "poor girls' diet" LOL..
Until Next Time ~ enjoy your fucking FRIDAY!!!
Just Breath
I have come to believe yoga is the answer!
On one of the most fucked up days, when at times I just felt like bursting into tears, and everything that could go wrong did...I remained as calm as possible...and had a cigarette opps. Lately my philosophy has been "why stress over it"...I mean I will never plant a tree that sprouts money everyday, I can't always get what I want when I want it, and I won't become a size 2 over night...so why consume my every waking hour stressing about having bills, chores, and others when I can just Breath...I really hate to run, but my body loves it...so stressed out days = running. check.. then last night was one of the most incredible hot yoga sessions..I seem to be saying that a lot lately! I feel truly blessed to have one of the best studios in town with incredible teachers.. Porters Neck Yoga and Spa I thank YOU!!! You guys got it going on!! :) I feel so much freakin' better after a hot yoga session...i feel at peace with EVERYTHING and one side affect is I sleep better!! yaay! I need to sleep, i'm a fucking aries!! Anyways.. just thought I'd share
Until Next Time ~ Namaste
On one of the most fucked up days, when at times I just felt like bursting into tears, and everything that could go wrong did...I remained as calm as possible...and had a cigarette opps. Lately my philosophy has been "why stress over it"...I mean I will never plant a tree that sprouts money everyday, I can't always get what I want when I want it, and I won't become a size 2 over night...so why consume my every waking hour stressing about having bills, chores, and others when I can just Breath...I really hate to run, but my body loves it...so stressed out days = running. check.. then last night was one of the most incredible hot yoga sessions..I seem to be saying that a lot lately! I feel truly blessed to have one of the best studios in town with incredible teachers.. Porters Neck Yoga and Spa I thank YOU!!! You guys got it going on!! :) I feel so much freakin' better after a hot yoga session...i feel at peace with EVERYTHING and one side affect is I sleep better!! yaay! I need to sleep, i'm a fucking aries!! Anyways.. just thought I'd share
Until Next Time ~ Namaste
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Ummm, Why did I sign up to RUN for FUN...
SO the Warrior dash is in 10 days and I just got my ass kicked on a 2.25 mile run.. ugggg geeze a pete... maybe it's the heat, maybe it's bc i'm sore from yoga, maybe it's bc I'm doing a water fast today.. who knows.. but in the words of a wise wise woman....if you wanna be a warrior train like one!! :)
Oh yeah you heard right.. WATER FAST.. some bright idea from one of my girls at VB... she was one day 3 last night of the water fast.. water, coffee/black, tea..that's it.. for 3+ days..then start the Raw Food Diet.. YUM.
We'll see what happens.. I'm optimistic about the raw food movement.. i dont' like the term diet.. the fasting on the other hand umm well if you know me, you know I love food.. so Idk how i'm gonna go 3 days with my active schedule, we'll see.
Until Next Time ~ drink more water :)
Oh yeah you heard right.. WATER FAST.. some bright idea from one of my girls at VB... she was one day 3 last night of the water fast.. water, coffee/black, tea..that's it.. for 3+ days..then start the Raw Food Diet.. YUM.
We'll see what happens.. I'm optimistic about the raw food movement.. i dont' like the term diet.. the fasting on the other hand umm well if you know me, you know I love food.. so Idk how i'm gonna go 3 days with my active schedule, we'll see.
Until Next Time ~ drink more water :)
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
It's easier to pee with a dress on when not wearing panties. FACT
There are 3-4 acceptable places you are allowed to pee on one another: shower, pool, ocean, jet ski. FACT
I could eat an orange at every meal. FACT
Until Next Time ~ Happy Shark Week
I could eat an orange at every meal. FACT
Until Next Time ~ Happy Shark Week
Strippers, oh Goodie
Even though I'm very opened minded, free spirit, game for just about anything. Spending the saturday night at a party full of strippers still makes my stomache drop slightly. Grrrrrrrrrr.
Sure, honey, No problem...which in general I don't have a problem with strippers...I like strippers...i've had friends who indulged in this profession..they're out there making their money..it's cool...they gotta do what they gotta do...it's fun at times.. i'm sure...but now the pressure is really on...I was slightly stressed about getting all my laundry done so I can start packing for my week vaca with Matty...planning each day. What to wear during the day, evening, chill, adventure clothes, night clothes...NOW YOU WANT ME TO PLAN AN OUTFIT for a party full of strippers UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. Thanks Honey. love you too.
Until Next Time ~ if you can't beat'em join'em.
Here's a bit of Stripper History for you buffs:
Until Next Time ~ if you can't beat'em join'em.
Here's a bit of Stripper History for you buffs:
Thursday, July 28, 2011
I know it seems like forever since I've blogged, but I have been a super super duper busy girl. Work is busier then usual, so no blogging there anymore.. at least for right now, and by the time I get home and either do dinner, vb, or yoga, I have no interest in blogging...I wanted to blog the other day...but time got away from me. So, here I sit today pumping out this blog as fast as I can as my brain is racing a mile a minute from spreadsheets, phone calls, groups, trainings, to how many calories were in my coffee this morning, to Omg omg omg can't wait to see matty, to omg omg omg i need to run today, i wanna fish and shoot my gun this weekend...i gotta get my sit ups in today, prob won't have time for lunch today...glad i brought a banana...btw there are 220 calories in a grande ice caramel lecche. hmmmmm.
It is a very exciting time right now, next week is the start of JERSEY SHORE! unst unst unst and oh yes, i will be wearing my new shirt Matty got me. It teaches you how to fist pump! LOL cracks me up. Looks something like this:
Speaking of Matty, he's coming today!! whoo hoooo!!! Seems like forever, but it's prob been like 2 weeks...I get him this weekend, then next weekend starts my week long vaca!!! I can't tell you the last time I actually took a week off away from work... i can't fucking wait!!! and I get to spend it all with him.. but our vaca schedule is already booked ugggggg. It goes a little something like this: wedding, 21st bday, matt's bday, Carowinds, BJ from AA in Charlotte, BJ in Winston, Cabin in the MTNS, Goldsboro for cousins 10 th bday party at the skating rink, tight tshirt bar drinking, vb and we're done....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. action packed though!! wouldn't want it anyother way! I'm sure we will find time for a nap and bubble bath somewhere! :)
So, Matty's coming today and the first thing on our agenda is getting waxed!! hehehehe. he finally gets to accompany me to my waxing!! This should be fun!!!! ahahah I can't wait for Matt to meet Ken, My fabulous waxier. I like to think of Ken as an artist! He's my waxing artist, kinda like a tattoo artist! hahahah.. this is gonna crack me up too...
Well this is all I really have time for... gotta get my office work out on early before restraint training LOL!!!!
Until Next Time~ Get your fist ready to PUMP!!!
It is a very exciting time right now, next week is the start of JERSEY SHORE! unst unst unst and oh yes, i will be wearing my new shirt Matty got me. It teaches you how to fist pump! LOL cracks me up. Looks something like this:
Speaking of Matty, he's coming today!! whoo hoooo!!! Seems like forever, but it's prob been like 2 weeks...I get him this weekend, then next weekend starts my week long vaca!!! I can't tell you the last time I actually took a week off away from work... i can't fucking wait!!! and I get to spend it all with him.. but our vaca schedule is already booked ugggggg. It goes a little something like this: wedding, 21st bday, matt's bday, Carowinds, BJ from AA in Charlotte, BJ in Winston, Cabin in the MTNS, Goldsboro for cousins 10 th bday party at the skating rink, tight tshirt bar drinking, vb and we're done....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. action packed though!! wouldn't want it anyother way! I'm sure we will find time for a nap and bubble bath somewhere! :)
So, Matty's coming today and the first thing on our agenda is getting waxed!! hehehehe. he finally gets to accompany me to my waxing!! This should be fun!!!! ahahah I can't wait for Matt to meet Ken, My fabulous waxier. I like to think of Ken as an artist! He's my waxing artist, kinda like a tattoo artist! hahahah.. this is gonna crack me up too...
Well this is all I really have time for... gotta get my office work out on early before restraint training LOL!!!!
Until Next Time~ Get your fist ready to PUMP!!!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
How I've done on my RESOLUTIONS
Update Time.
So this is what I wrote the last day of last year:
Here are some others I have been pondering over the last few days:
I will not frequent the Beach House - ahh
Write and Read more Blogs
Plan for the big 3-0
Shave my legs more
Take more Bubble Baths - once a week at least
No More Meat
No More Fast Food
Crossing off things on my Bucket List (skydiving...)
Work out more
Quit Smoking for real this time
Save Money
More Traveling
Fall in Love; again
Wash my dogs more
Get back to school
I have succeeded at some: I have not been to the beach house, I have been writing and reading more blogs! Haven't really PLANNED for the 3-0, just talked about it, and I haven't been shaving my legs more - uggg. I hate that. I have NOT taken more baths, unless Matty's here. Occasionally I will splurge on some Taco Bell..My bucket list, hmmmm well I finally waxed my peekachoo! I went on a Polar Plunge...damn that's it on my list I have accomplished this year.. FUCK.. I need to sky dive! like now! I have been making a conscious effort to work out more and even started running/jogging :) Have not saved any money bc of the traveling to the country, surgery, teeth doc, and lawyer.. new goal, pay off all bills by the end of the year! whooooooooof. I DID FALL IN LOVE AGAIN! THIS TIME IT"S THE REAL THING TOO! Best relationship EVER! Best boyfriend EVER, BEST Match EVER! This is what it's suppose to be like! Easy, FUN, Exciting, LOVE! MUWAH ohhh I have not been washing Drake more...school.. well that was put on a hold since I failed the math part of the TEAS by 3 points for nursing school...I'm still caught in the middle.. Nursing School or Masters and PhD....hmmmmm I'm getting too old to still be trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up.... you know what I really want to do.. is Teach yoga all day all night. Thats my passion.. I want to take the teacher training they have at the studio and really do the damn thing! $1700 is just not in the budget though... come on lottery! :)
WEll I'm still not eating meat, with a few slips here and there when I go to the country and have to eat Matt's grandma's sauage gravey bc it is to die for, and an occasionall bite of beef jerkie. Other then that, the veggie eating is going very well! i would like at some point to cut down, on eggs and dairy...maybe eggs first and switch to nothing but egg whites.. I LOVE MILK AND CHEEEEESE! YUM! nom nom nom.
SMoking - hmmmmm that's all I really have to say about that. Ugggg WHy oh why did I ever pick it up when I was a teenager? SO, i was doing really well this this about 100 days or so then memorial weekend came, I smoked all weekend...4th of July weekend came, I smoked, the wedding weekend, I smoked, but not as much, then this past weekend my cuz and Matty were here and I had a few while drinking and downtown UGGGG STOP THE MADNESS. It seems like I can't get away from it. Matty calls us "weekend smokers" now and that we're not addicted, we just enjoy a smoke from time to time.. I'm good during the week and during the weekends, when I'm not around it. Booooo ON ME. So no more countdown, just day to day, weekend to weekend, and I'll keep reporting back to ya'll.
So, there you have it.. my 7 month update.. half the year is gone, next thing you know it will be CHristmas....uggggg.
Until Next Time ~ keep reading
Monday, July 18, 2011
I love to PLANK
So the latest craze of picture taking I guess is this thing called "Planking". You simply lie down face down, arms beside you and plank. You plank on objects or where ever! Lots of people on my fb have said "i don't get it"...that's cool... try it a few times, and you might catch on. I'm starting to think like a planker...everywhere I go, I'm like hmmmmm where can I plank next?!?!! !
My Volleyball PLANK
MY FIRST PLANK - the morning after
Until Next Time ~ Show me your Plank
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Ran again last night! uh ohhh!! this time 17 minutes.. getting back up there..the plan is to run every day this week except the nights I have VB. And yes that includes the weekend. So, 2 down 3 to go.. be nice to run 5 days a week until the race huh?! Grrrrrr. and not to shabby to drop a few poundage either :)
ALso excited bc Matty's coming a day earlier!! yippee!!!!! Any extra time is wonderful!!!!
well back to work.
Until Next Time ~ Nothing taste as good as skinny
ALso excited bc Matty's coming a day earlier!! yippee!!!!! Any extra time is wonderful!!!!
well back to work.
Until Next Time ~ Nothing taste as good as skinny
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
SUPER EXICTED 47 days until
Check this out:
The Warrior Dash
By: Guest

Photo Credit
I consider myself an athletic, in shape, twenty-something. I run, I eat healthy, I work out every week. So I may gorge and knock back a few beers on the weekends, but I am far from feeble and frail. So when a college friend of mine called and asked me to run a 3.17 mile race with him I quickly agreed. Little did I know, the race was the Warrior Dash.
The Warrior Dash is a 3.17 mile race that has strategically placed obstacles along the way. Now, these are not your mother’s obstacles. These are tough, muscle-tearing, bone-crushing obstacles. This is my account of my hellish day at the Dash.
Leaving home and heading to Joliet, I had no clue on what to expect. It had rained extremely hard the three days prior to the race, and I knew it would be extremely muddy and hot. At 2pm it was humid and in the upper 80s. As I pulled up into the race area an ambulance pulled away. Great omen.
Getting out of my car I quickly realized I did not get the memo on race attire. I dressed in my normal running attire and was surrounded by people dressed as professional wrestlers, cheerleaders, bananas, Borat, priests, and a lot of people in jorts (jean shorts). This was a people watching mecca. The race area had beer tents, big ass turkey legs, and live music. I tip-toed through the muddy ground to the check-in tent — this would be my last moment of cleanliness. My check-in packet included a commemorative shirt, nutrition bar, a ticket for a free beer and, best of all, a warrior viking-esque helmet.
Two giant flamethrowers expelled fire into the air to signal the start of the race, and we were off. Positioned in the back of my heat, I had to weasel my way through the crowds to get to my proper pace. During this process I passed the lady cougars — a group of middle aged women wearing shirts proclaiming “lady cougar” on the front and “we eat your young” on the back. They slapped every young guys ass as they passed them. That smack might have been my only motivation to not slow down later.
When I came to the first obstacle, a bunch of junkyard cars, I decided to barrel-roll over the roof of the first one yelling in the process. The second, I used the window as a step to walk over. After hurdling three or four more cars, I had made it past the first obstacle with success. Next stop: the forest. The ground in the forest was very wet and slippery from the rain. I soon was standing in front of large wooden spools (think of the ones you see along the road). This was a hard one to conquer. I threw myself over the spools and then had to quickly move across a plank that was over a large gully. As luck would have it, at this point I had been separated from my friends… I’m certain they would have pushed me in!
I continued my forest run up and down muddy slopes and hills. One of the hills had a large vertical incline and I kept slipping down it because of the mud. Later I found out there was a rope to help pull yourself up the hill but it was buried in the mud. When reaching the top of the hill I could see the sun shining from outside the forest. It ended up being, quite literally, a light at the end of the tunnel — as the next obstacle was crawling through large tunnels! A nice touch: being on your hands and knees following a 250 pound man in a fairy skirt.
Out of the forest, I ran along enjoying the relatively flat dry ground — this was until I approached the mud pit. The mud pit was a waist deep pool of mud and water that is 30-feet long. Only one thought crossed my mind: ‘I need to hit this pit hard and fast.’ Taking the pit at full steam, I made it halfway across when my feet began to stick in the soft muddy bottom. I almost lost both my shoes (apparently a common occurrence). Exiting the pit, I was soaked in heavy wet mud from the waist down. My shoes now felt like they each weighed ten pounds from the excess mud clinging to them and my shorts where falling off. Pushing on, I ran between a makeshift town and up to a set of 4-foot walls. There were approximately six walls and I threw myself over each one ramming my shins into two of them.
With the finish line in sight, I rejoiced that only a few obstacles laid between me and the end. Little did I know how wrong I was. First, a 15-foot tall pyramid of hay bales. Next, a 20-foot cargo net, followed by a dozen 6-foot mounds. I could feel I was close, though. All I had to do was jump over two rows of flaming logs and crawl under 30 feet of barbwire in mud.
Done. 30-minutes later, I finished the race and was exhausted, covered from head to toe literally in mud and sweat — the uniform of a true warrior. I hung around the Warrior Dash grounds people-watching and participated in the festival for a few more hours. And of course, I claimed my free beer… because, damnit, I earned it. At the end of the day, though, it was back to the city… to my normal, non-warrior life.
Think you can take on the Warrior Dash? Check out the official website or facebook page.
*Special thanks to Kevin Hoak, UPchicago Guest Writer*
Finally I RAN!
After 4 weeks and some change I'm back up and RUNNING!!!
Whoo hooooo. the first few weeks were definitely directly correlated to my healing from surgery..i felt like i had bricks in my lower abs - ouch. then the last week or so, I contribute it to pure LAZINESS and lack of motivation - UGGGGGGG. But not anymore! I'm motivated and Doing the damn thing again! I didn't run until like 845pm last night bc it's so freakin hot, but I took Drake with me and my EVO, and set out for 15mins to get back in the swing of things!! It felt GREAT!! I realized I need to change up my routine a little bit...instead of trying to run right after work, chill, chat, cook dinner, laundry, all the fun inside chores, then run and work out!! Shower, bed.. Damn I sound old.. LOL.
I'm motivated to get my ass back in gear due to the fact EVERY TIME I turn around there is a skinny bitch looking over my shoulder UGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. I'm motivated bc I have the Warrior Dash in 47 days and would like to not make a total fool out of myself and look good doing it! I'm motivated bc MATTY's Back in NC and I like trying to keep up with his young ass LOL. I'm motivated bc VACA is in 3 1/2 weeks! I'm motivated bc I'm 29 years old, not getting any younger and want to be in the best shape I can possibly be in...I'm motivated bc if I don't put in my fitness pal I worked out I feel like CRAP. Which Reminds me I need to goolgle how many calories one burns while fucking hmmmmmmmmm. So there's a start to my motivation. Same ole same ole, I WANNA LOOK HOT AND FEEL HOT! bitches.
Until Next Time ~ Get Motivated!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

WTF was I doing before my EVO came into my life???
I spent all freakin' night on this thing rearranging apps, downloading apps, fb, flashlight, pics, video chatting with Matty...I mean fuck, this thing does everything!! I love all my new ringtones, and apps apps apps...I feel like I'm complete now...i have my fb, tweet, blog, Pandora, camera, Everything right at my finger tips!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!! I'm pretty much addicted to it and it hasn't even been 24 hours...i'm discovering new gadgets every minute! whoooaoaooa sensory overload :) I mean I have my JAMS right here with me.. screw cds, and my ipod...I've finally moved into the age of technology and I'm loving it! And I can't believe I haven't made the switch sooner seeing what a big fb whore I am!! I love this!!
I can't believe how fast my pictures send now!!! :) and what clarity!!! it's like AnnMo has gone HD!!!!
Until Next Time ~ app app apppppppps!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Every time a convo about relationships starts the same phrase comes out of my mouth: "It's the best relationship I've ever been in"! :)
This weekend I was talking with my girl K. from R-Kansas about her long distance dating history and the pros and cons that come with dating a guy far far away...yeah of course it sucks big donkey balls bc you can't see him everyday, can't cuddle with him at night, and do "normal" couple things like dinner dates, movies, beach, etc. Who likes "normal" anyways? I've always danced to a different beat...
On the flip side of these things Matt and I have found our own unique way for making this long distance dating work! ! Here are a few of my favs: Skyping helps! Love video chatting with him!!! Sending daily pics on our phones!! Talking every morning and every evening is a MUST, and knowing if I can't sleep I can call him or text him and he picks up :) Talking Talking Talking is a big one!! Sometimes I just call to say "hey, i just wanted/needed to hear your voice". Texting and fb too. The best is being able to say good night every single night, no matter what time it is, and waking up hearing him say "good morning". There's just something about his wake up voice that is so damn sexy!! :)
Sometimes when I think about how fast this has all happened, it's defiantly a lil scary, but in the long run I think a little bit of long distance helps the relationship...hear me out..we not only talk, but communicate probably more then face to face couples do, and have learned a TON about each other having to communicate so far away. The fact that we have only seen each other once a month since February drives me fucking crazy. [lets see, he left after we spent the week together for Valentines day, I flew out in March, he flew in for my bday in April, he drove in for mother's day, and flew in for my surgery] The anticipation the week before I see him is fucking intense. The build up of knowing I get to see him, touch him, be back in his arms again, kiss him is...idk, there are no words right now..my heart races just thinking about the moment I drive down the long red dirt road, round the corner, see the house and his truck, and he walks out of the house and meets me at the car...I can't get out of my bug fast enough to jump back into his arms. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! And then for the long weekend we have each other, it's like nothing else exists...it's just us in our own little bubble world, after we rip each other's clothes off of course and have marathon sex like teenagers lol!! FACT. :)
The "normal" dating adventures have been replaced with my girl dates which is wonderful! Being 1,000 miles away from my love has allotted me my much needed "GIRL TIME"!!! I get to have one on one quality time with some of the most awesome girls on the planet!! All girls need their girlfriends. And like I was telling K., it is nice having my independence, and still knowing he's there. In the past, the relationships I have been in have smothered me to death, to the point I want OUT, kicking and screaming. I love that Matt and I are two different people. He does his thing, I do mine, and then we meet in the middle and have our own! God, I sound completely mushy.
As much as I think and believe the long distance has helped us grow together, I'm ready for his sexy ass to be home in NC...where ever home is going to be...between Mooresville and Wilmington. As long as I get to see him on the weekends, I'm a happy girl! Now, the thought of him being here in Wilmington full time is AWESOME!!!! The thought of living together still scares me..and yes we have talked about this...and talked about another dog...whoa i know right...this is really happening. I don't have such a great track record of living with boys, but that's the key word here "boys"...I love that Matt is a real MAN! And I think this time it will be a lot easier! I just don't see myself getting mad and fighting with him about leaving his clothes on the floor, or not making the bed...after being apart for so long, I just want him here. As long as he knows I need more closet space then he does, we'll be ok! :) I love you dear, and can't wait to see you this weekend MUWAH.
Until Next Time ~ Whoo hooo Come on FRIDAY
This weekend I was talking with my girl K. from R-Kansas about her long distance dating history and the pros and cons that come with dating a guy far far away...yeah of course it sucks big donkey balls bc you can't see him everyday, can't cuddle with him at night, and do "normal" couple things like dinner dates, movies, beach, etc. Who likes "normal" anyways? I've always danced to a different beat...
On the flip side of these things Matt and I have found our own unique way for making this long distance dating work! ! Here are a few of my favs: Skyping helps! Love video chatting with him!!! Sending daily pics on our phones!! Talking every morning and every evening is a MUST, and knowing if I can't sleep I can call him or text him and he picks up :) Talking Talking Talking is a big one!! Sometimes I just call to say "hey, i just wanted/needed to hear your voice". Texting and fb too. The best is being able to say good night every single night, no matter what time it is, and waking up hearing him say "good morning". There's just something about his wake up voice that is so damn sexy!! :)
Sometimes when I think about how fast this has all happened, it's defiantly a lil scary, but in the long run I think a little bit of long distance helps the relationship...hear me out..we not only talk, but communicate probably more then face to face couples do, and have learned a TON about each other having to communicate so far away. The fact that we have only seen each other once a month since February drives me fucking crazy. [lets see, he left after we spent the week together for Valentines day, I flew out in March, he flew in for my bday in April, he drove in for mother's day, and flew in for my surgery] The anticipation the week before I see him is fucking intense. The build up of knowing I get to see him, touch him, be back in his arms again, kiss him is...idk, there are no words right now..my heart races just thinking about the moment I drive down the long red dirt road, round the corner, see the house and his truck, and he walks out of the house and meets me at the car...I can't get out of my bug fast enough to jump back into his arms. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! And then for the long weekend we have each other, it's like nothing else exists...it's just us in our own little bubble world, after we rip each other's clothes off of course and have marathon sex like teenagers lol!! FACT. :)
The "normal" dating adventures have been replaced with my girl dates which is wonderful! Being 1,000 miles away from my love has allotted me my much needed "GIRL TIME"!!! I get to have one on one quality time with some of the most awesome girls on the planet!! All girls need their girlfriends. And like I was telling K., it is nice having my independence, and still knowing he's there. In the past, the relationships I have been in have smothered me to death, to the point I want OUT, kicking and screaming. I love that Matt and I are two different people. He does his thing, I do mine, and then we meet in the middle and have our own! God, I sound completely mushy.
As much as I think and believe the long distance has helped us grow together, I'm ready for his sexy ass to be home in NC...where ever home is going to be...between Mooresville and Wilmington. As long as I get to see him on the weekends, I'm a happy girl! Now, the thought of him being here in Wilmington full time is AWESOME!!!! The thought of living together still scares me..and yes we have talked about this...and talked about another dog...whoa i know right...this is really happening. I don't have such a great track record of living with boys, but that's the key word here "boys"...I love that Matt is a real MAN! And I think this time it will be a lot easier! I just don't see myself getting mad and fighting with him about leaving his clothes on the floor, or not making the bed...after being apart for so long, I just want him here. As long as he knows I need more closet space then he does, we'll be ok! :) I love you dear, and can't wait to see you this weekend MUWAH.
Until Next Time ~ Whoo hooo Come on FRIDAY
Friday, July 1, 2011
I love to pick my nose

I do pick my nose...
who doesn't...I pick it in the office, in the bathroom, in the truck with Matty...it's like farting. If ya got an Itch you gotta scratch it.
Until Next Time ~ pick on

Hot Mess
Thursday, June 30, 2011
4th of JULY LIST

As many of you know, I am a avid list maker for events, weekly, and most def road trips of any kind. So, this weekend is no different..my constant worry is what if I'm forgetting something. So, if I start my list a few days to a week before my departure I have plenty of time to "tweak" and update my list as HB reminds me, or I'm going through my room and i think oooohhh I need this..
Alright, well, here's my list I started 2 days ago...lets see what I'm missing:
Makeup/Hair Stuff
Phone Charger
Dresses - beach and going out
Work Clothes for Tuesday
WOrk Clothes for Friday night event - black pants white shirt
Workout clothes/shoes/socks
Wii remote
Air horn
Corn hole/Frisbee
Fishing gear
Bathing suits
Beach chair/towel/blanket/mags/book
I think I'm pretty much covered..the game plan consist of beach, eat, dance, eclub, beach, beach, beach, and more beach!
Until Next Time ~ Have a safe FANTASTICAL WEEKEND
3 weeks and Counting
It's been 3 weeks since my surgery..no more bruising, no more cramps, and just a tiny ity bity scare inside my belly button! Still haven't ran though, partly bc I got a lil lazy...not doing much yoga either...keeping up with the vb..gotta get my butt back into the groove. 1) for ME, i always feel way better after a hot yoga or a run..it's just been so damn hot outside..2) i see matty in about a week and want to be firm and hot hot hot!!! Hopefully this weekend of drinking, cornhole, dancing at the ECLUB, HB and I will squeeze some MUCH NEEDED time in for workouts...and not her SJS workouts..that's all her...I'm saving my SJS workout for Matty :)
Speaking of HB...glad you're blogging again dude.. about fucking time!!!
Speaking of this 4th of July weekend that is upon us - Sooo excited to be spending it back home on the ISLAND with my fucking girls!! I love girl time!! more then ever lately!! who wouldn't love girl time when your girls are fucking hot, smart, funny, and down for anything!! I wish some of my wilmington girls would merge and come meet my EI GIRLS!! we might be a bit much for some though....I mean talk about been there, done that, stole the fucking tshirt right off your back...hahahha anyways..gearing up for the weekend - Super STOKED!!!
Until Next Time Bitches ~ rockin out
Speaking of HB...glad you're blogging again dude.. about fucking time!!!
Speaking of this 4th of July weekend that is upon us - Sooo excited to be spending it back home on the ISLAND with my fucking girls!! I love girl time!! more then ever lately!! who wouldn't love girl time when your girls are fucking hot, smart, funny, and down for anything!! I wish some of my wilmington girls would merge and come meet my EI GIRLS!! we might be a bit much for some though....I mean talk about been there, done that, stole the fucking tshirt right off your back...hahahha anyways..gearing up for the weekend - Super STOKED!!!
Until Next Time Bitches ~ rockin out
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
The Crazy Gene

Do men have the "crazy gene"?
You know the "crazy gene" or some may think of it as the jealous gene, or jump to conclusions gene..the crazy girl gene aka the psycho girlfriend gene...and I know all of you have gone over to the dark side at least once or if you're like my friend...once/twice a week!! I love coming in and hearing her "i did it again" story! lol...I'm no better...i have my moments. Everything in moderation though...and alcohol def does not help the crazy gene. So if you know you have it - back off the booze!
What does the crazy gene consist of? hmmmmm Basically it's anytime you have gone "crazy" on your man or girl friend...you can feel it boiling inside of you, getting hotter and hotter until you SNAP!!! not to the point of the show "snapped", but you get my drift. Now, I'll be honest with you my ex def brought out my crazy gene. Probably bc he was built with one too and it just escalated mine to full tilt - not a good combo. Most of the "crazy gene" comes from 100% pure jealousy...so to overcome the gene, you just have to trust each other - easy right? hahahah funny. As much as I have learned over the years with my "crazy gene" the better it is...i thought I had killed it off completely until a few weeks ago...i had a lil crazy moment...no big deal now though...it's being able to control the "crazy" that's the hard part!!! breath...and think about it before acting on it...that helps...so try and control or hide your crazy gene until you need it. Don't get me wrong - you fuck with my girls or my man...oh I'll show you crazy gene!! BOL
Until Next Time ~ watch yo back
Friday, June 17, 2011
Yoga fail
Once and a while I may graze a side boob at Jamie's for Yoga night, but this is hiliarious!!!
Until Next Time ~ Happy Fails :)

WHEN PEOPLE SMACK THEIR FUCKING GUM. what are you 12? really? Especially in a small confined space like my fucking car. UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. Rental cars have a "no smoking" sign in them, I am seriously debating on putting a "no smacking your fucking gum" sign in my bug...

Until Next Time ~ Chew in silence asshole
Thursday, June 16, 2011
One Week Later

It's been exactly one week since going under the knife and getting my laparoscopic tubal ligation! You know me, I went all the way, not tied, but cauterized! :) Meaning, and you can see the picture they went thru my belly button and BURNED the sukkas!! :) Done and DONE! I feel great! Taking it slow still, no running :( Booooooooooooooooo. But did some yoga monday, played vb last night, and more yoga tonight. Just the little bit of running last night at vb was no good..my body was def telling me it's not ready to run yet - which is pissing me off.. all I want to do is RUN right now. As I attempted to run after the ball several times last night it felt like I had a bag of rocks in my lower abdomen. geeze. hopefully soon! Other then that and the small little quarter size bruise below my belly button I"M GREAT! Oh and I'm pooping like a normal person again..well a normal me anyways! LOL All and ALL I'm super excited about my surgery, glad I did it! One less worry! oh and no more birth control starting today :) YAY!!!!
Until Next Time ~ Happy Burning

I have got to be one of the gassiest people alive on this planet. OMG...even I'm starting to get annoyed with it at times...It's one thing to let a few go on the vb court, which I do often. Well, more then often, every night I'm out there..my poor teammates..but in all fairness I give them warning in advance and try and protect the innocent..the other team however not so lucky. Last night I, as usually seemed to be extra gassy and just kept letting them rip up at the front of the net.. that poor poor girl. But we won! Both games.. I often joke that it's my distraction HA HA
Now though sitting on my yoga ball in my office, I can't stop it. They just keep creeping out, ugggg. I've always said and believe it's better for it to come out, then to keep it all bottled up. People will just have to live and learn to deal with my extra gassiness :)

Until Next Time ~ let it flow
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
I Am Offically LOSING IT
I can either chalk this up to I"M REALLY ACTUALLY GETTING OLD AND LOSING MY MIND or OFFICALLY ADD/ADHD or I hate to say it but at times I think maybe I am a blond/retard.
On top of that, I have no cash and hear the ice cream truck coming BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... looks like there's only one thing left to do tonight: Read my book, eat some pain pills, and have some wine.
Until NExt Time ~ Cheers.
The Woes of Walmart
Geeze-A-Pete! Where do i begin? I try and avoid Walmart at all cost, but those damn low low falling and dropping prices keep luring me back into it's sick twisted game. That, and it's the only place I have found that I can print out pictures in 13 minutes and buy vitamins for $6-$12...Fish Oil by the way is on SUPER SALE!!! MUST STOCK UP! :)
Anyways...Since I procrastinated the road trip to Walmart Monday night I HAD to go last night...with what started out and always does as a 2-3 item list...events happened that led to this blog...
Main Goal of this Trip: Yoga Ball, Print Pics, and Flea stuff.
Easy right?
In and Out?
As I got home already later then usual I started to ponder is there ANYTHING ELSE I MIGHT POSSIBLY NEED this week? .. yep B12! Oh and Tofu, if I get tofu i need mushrooms, oh and maybe some veggies for lunch this week, ohhhh and Limes for my Gin :) and cooking too, oh and face stuff (which means new face wash), and black beans. By the time I walked into walmart all of these items grazed my list. Of course walking out at $113.00 I bought Waaaay more then what was on my list...but that's ok.. I'm use to that.. besides that's the trap i mean beauty of Walmart right?
Ok, so first stop is the picture center.. Now, I like this part.. deciding which pics to print and what I'm gonna use them for...:) I find great joy and pleasure out of this and it's multi-tasking.. while I finish my quick shopping list I go back to the pic center and my pics are ready! whoo hoo Wonderful Invention! Thank you! I always go the the picture computer off to the side, in case some inappropriate pics pop up I don't want ALL of Walmart to see...so I park my cart, pop in my camera disk thing and start loading...as I'm loading this couple or maybe could have possibly been father and daughter duo walked past. A lil on the white trashy side...grey sweat pants, one leg rolled up, a white tee...hair a mess, and that was her...teeth missing of course and I believe he was wearing some type of jean overall :) hmmmm Like Bruce from Swamp People!!!! NOt that there is anything wrong with being a lil on the white trashy side..i embrace my fellow southerns...just giving a description. So, they pass me and he says, or grunts a little.."hmmm nice tat...you see that honey, look at that sleeve"..she glances back at me nods and proceeds to roll the sleeve of her white tee up to show off her shoulder tat :) I appreciate good ink just as much as the next person, but at walmart? hmmmmm Oh and I guess I should mention My Attire for my Walmart Excursion...I left on my "work clothes" which was my "easter sunday dress" which I call it.. it's cute, a lil preppy, flowy, spring flowers, and my pink yoga mat flip flops...hair up in a flower clip...
Next, still at the photo center, I see a Pirate walking in front of me!! Yes, a man dressed in a pirate costume, minus the eye patch, and the hat, plus a case of PBR (so right away I was intrigued). I couldn't look away, my mind starting wandering what is this guy doing? Is he really a pirate? Maybe otw to a party? or work? if work, what does he do? I wanna dress up like a pirate for work...and hmmmm PBR.. then I craved PBR.. by being intrigued and having all these questions rushing over me.. i was staring, probably with my mouth opened. Then I started thinking who wears a Pirate Costume on a tuesday at 730pm in Walmart?? this guy must be super confident, drunk, or stoned..and he was all alone.. hmmmmm His response to my google eyeing him.. he walks passed with his case of PBR tucked under his arm like a treasure chest and winks, then keeps walking! WHAT?! who winks at a stranger in Walmart dressed like a PIRATE?!?!?! OMG all I could do at this point was laugh, yes out loud too! :) Thank you Pirate man for winking and making me laugh!

ALL DONE with the picture center, onto the face stuff and vitamins! Check, Check, leaving the vitamin section racing my cart around the corner like a rock star - super speed, these two very large black women approach me.. after I had already passed them. So, now I have to back step, turn around and say yeah? the shorter one asked, "can we see your sleeve?" In my head I think see it? uh.. it's right here.. hanging out for ALL OF WALMART TO SEE...outside my head I politely rolled up my tiny lil dress sleeve so they could ohhh and ahh and ask "did it hurt". OMG really? do you think if it hurt ME that bad I would have gone with the full one? anyways.. the taller woman as they are inching closer and closer into my personal space which I'm trying to block with my cart, I notice has just about as much facial hair as Matty Ice does...but shave down so you shouldn't notice it..but when I was super close I backed up.. almost jumped a lil, bc I was scared.. finally back to get my pics and finish my shopping.. After this experience I was annoyed and ready to leave, called Matty Ice while I continued to shop A) wanted to talk to him and B) what better way to wart off people approaching you if you're on the phone :) :) :) !!!!
Next battle at Walmart is always the Check Out LINE UGGGGGGGGGGG thank God for cell phones with facebook and texting to pass what sometimes feels like an hour standing in line, scoping out other people's CRAP IN THEIR CARTS - that pisses me off too...but that's a HB BLOG....as I'm waiting in line fb'in it up and texting Matty I glance forward and see this little mini person aka a baby probably 1 or 2 yo walking around with no shoes on aimlessly...geeze really people? if you're gonna have them, keep up with them. Then my stomach fell to my feet, mouth wide open, and a sigh of ugggg omg poor woman came rushing out of my mouth. There in front of me pushing a cart full of groceries all my herself was this pregnant woman mid-late 20's, with twin boys about 3 yo, and another lil one tugging on her side leaving Walmart. Thanks, but NO THANKS! hopefully she was babysitting some of the rugrats..but more then likely she's from Arkansas where this is completely the NORM. Like Matty told me the other day, I am no longer welcomed in Arkansas, they would probably burn me at the stake. . .
I'm Done, paid, and walking out, slipping my hot pink shades back on pushing my now $113.00 walmart shopping spree when all of the sudden out of no where out of my right view is this OLDER MAN.. probably 50-60 yo give or take. And here it goes again.. he says in a low country accent "how'd ya get ur dress to match ur tattoo?" Not having anything quick and witty to round off, now being exhausted from my Walmart Excursion I shrugged my shoulders and said Lucky I guess.. kept a walking a lil faster now. He crosses behind me to go left I continue straight and he says, "well that's a nice tattoo, and that's a nice dress too, looking good" with a lil extra creep in his voice and creep in his eye. AHHHHHHHHHH Thank God the Cops were in the parking lot in case I couldn't get away fast enough...
This is why I dread walmart.. people will approach you and want to chat.. Next time I'm gonna pull a Chelsea Handler and start making up bullshit lies and try and become their super fast best friends then fart! :)
UNtil Next Time ~ Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Why oh why?
Why oh why must I shave? ugggggggggg

I hate shaving with a passion.
My legs, pits, you name it I hate to shave it hahahaha Sorry Matty, but you know it's true. Good thing I started waxing my peekachoo!! I mean I woke up this morning, put on a dress, didn't EVEN NOTICE my HAIRY LEGS until when? when I was in the parking lot at work - hmmmmmm omg really? lol..

I hate shaving with a passion.
My legs, pits, you name it I hate to shave it hahahaha Sorry Matty, but you know it's true. Good thing I started waxing my peekachoo!! I mean I woke up this morning, put on a dress, didn't EVEN NOTICE my HAIRY LEGS until when? when I was in the parking lot at work - hmmmmmm omg really? lol..
Gotta LOVE IPOD Shuffle
this morning otw to work I decided against choosing just one playlist to listen too, and switched my ipod onto shuffle mode..every-now-and-then it's time to shuffle you know? I love not knowing what's coming next, the anticipation kills me.. especially with my random mix. ha.
Car pooling as usual, and this is what we get:
Under the Bridge - Red Hot Chilli Peppers
Welcome to Paradise - Green Day (dookie oh yay!)
The only exception - Paramore
Fuck Me Pumps - Amy Winehouse
Could you be loved - Bob Marley
Whip My Hair - Willow
2 American Aquarium songs
Jack Johnson
Popular - Lil Wayne
Love Song - Sara Bareilles
Rhinestone Eyes - Gorillaz
Mary Jane - Alanis Morissette
Back to you - John Mayer
Haa haaa haaaa really?! wow.. I love it.. Jack Johnson came on and my girl was like whose this? I was like Jack, then right after we get some lil wayne rapping about pussy and shit LOL.. gotta love morning commutes in shuffle mode!
Until Next Time ~ Jam ON
A new way
I found a new way to shut people up! Tell them exactly what they don't want to hear or exactly what they're not expecting...example...
this chick on fb who I use to work with kept asking me since Wednesday...what I was having surgery for...most people in my inner circle knew, or the one's that needed too anyways...by the time surgery day was here I was tired and fed up with people asking so I started telling people I was getting my boobs done! :P hahah anyways.. so she kept asking on fb where everyone could see, and I kept ignoring her up until the other day.. Look bitch, if I didn't tell ya it's none-ya...and any smart fb person would have stalked my page and eventually figured it out...but I was annoyed by her dumbness and/ fucked up on pain pills i just let it out there for the whole fb world to see :) She asked ONE MORE TIME..."what did you have surgery for" I replied back "i got fixed yo"! :) wishing I was there to see her face and mouth drop when she read my reply! Have not heard from her since!
Until Next Time ~ hahahahah
this chick on fb who I use to work with kept asking me since Wednesday...what I was having surgery for...most people in my inner circle knew, or the one's that needed too anyways...by the time surgery day was here I was tired and fed up with people asking so I started telling people I was getting my boobs done! :P hahah anyways.. so she kept asking on fb where everyone could see, and I kept ignoring her up until the other day.. Look bitch, if I didn't tell ya it's none-ya...and any smart fb person would have stalked my page and eventually figured it out...but I was annoyed by her dumbness and/ fucked up on pain pills i just let it out there for the whole fb world to see :) She asked ONE MORE TIME..."what did you have surgery for" I replied back "i got fixed yo"! :) wishing I was there to see her face and mouth drop when she read my reply! Have not heard from her since!
Until Next Time ~ hahahahah
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