I have got to be one of the gassiest people alive on this planet. OMG...even I'm starting to get annoyed with it at times...It's one thing to let a few go on the vb court, which I do often. Well, more then often, every night I'm out there..my poor teammates..but in all fairness I give them warning in advance and try and protect the innocent..the other team however not so lucky. Last night I, as usually seemed to be extra gassy and just kept letting them rip up at the front of the net.. that poor poor girl. But we won! Both games.. I often joke that it's my distraction HA HA
Now though sitting on my yoga ball in my office, I can't stop it. They just keep creeping out, ugggg. I've always said and believe it's better for it to come out, then to keep it all bottled up. People will just have to live and learn to deal with my extra gassiness :)

Until Next Time ~ let it flow
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