Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Heart stopped for a sec - Thanks Dude

Best friends are AWESOME!! THANKS DUDE. She may be the President of EI, but she always has time for a quick emergency call from me. ahhhhh Deep breath in and.....out. If it wasn't for her I'd probably be panicking, over anayalissing the last 15min for no reason, and FREAKING THE FUCK OUT. Breathe......she just makes everything calm, peaceful, and helps bring my ass back to reality!

speaking of my ass..how is it my boobs are shrinking due to the "losing weight looking hot wearing my sexy jeans obsession", but my ass is staying the same? hmmmmmm

So I'm at work and would have probably gone straight across the hall and been like OMG JESS, you'll never believe who just called me...but she's out for the moment...and Bruce is too far away....speaking of Bruce, I need to holla at her.. we have been entirely too busy the past few days to holla...so when push comes to shove I can always always count on my one and ONLY HB!! She knows be better then anyone else, and knows exactly what to say, when to say it, and how to say it to keep me as sane as possible. Thanks Dude, I love you! I love love love YOU! I know you're the Prez now and everything, but you're still my "meep meeep, yard sale yelling, beach laying, road tripping, singing our lungs out, always there for me" Best Friend! Does Hallmark have a card with that on it?! They should - I can't tell you how much you mean to me, and how much I love you, respect you, admire you..ok i'll stop, my mascara is NOT water proof.

the call -
some things never change i guess - it's funny teaching a class on behavior change and breaking habits to come back to my office to this voicemail...lol all i can do is smile and chuckle, because for the first time in a long time - i've let him or the idea of him go. I'm so happy with my life right now. I'm happy with my circle of old and new friends, I'm happy with my circle of old and new activities, and I'm especially happy with my special someone...:) Between HB and Matty Ice I think it's gonna be a good year guys!! maybe it's all this yoga I/ve been doing, but I feel so relaxed and at peace - ahhh breathe..in and out......

so i know the voicemail was some form of singing..i'm thinking it was American Aquarium...he knows my love for them, and if he's following them, probably knows they're playing this week, and probably knows I'm going to see them.. wouldn't that be some shit if he showed up in statesville HA. yeah right. Now the question is really? really dude? 0926 and you're leaving what I assume is a drunk dial singing voicemail on your ex's phone....hmmmmmm. Now I am assuming he's been drinking, I could be wrong, but really? hmm Oh well. thanks for the song dude!

I'm not gonna let anything ruin my day, because you know what today is?!?!?!? Not only the frist day of FEB, but also the countdown is now down to ONE AND A WAKE UP AHAHAHAHAHAHAH YAY!!! :) I wish you could see my cheesy ear to ear grin, with my whitening teeth!! :) Oh yeah, starting whitening my teeth again last night.. i was like whoaaa...lol. SO yeah, one day closer to  being in a state of PERMA GRIN!! I can't wait to see you :) and all that jazz!! MUWAH Baby!

until next time bitches ~ MUWAH

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