A lot has been happening in the last week...and I just haven't found the time to blog, however Friday I was feeling very much so to vent off some steam...I did not...I think I have gotten it all out though...I left some just for today ...heheheh but more on that in a minute.
On a lighter note, it's now just 18 days until I fly out to see Matty! It's not getting easier being apart, I still break down and have my emo moments, and the weekends are good and bad. I get to talk with him all day and text...and I think we've finally gotten down the schedule during the week...we get to wake up talking to each other me as I'm otw to work and him as he's just waking up...I still forget sometimes he's an hour behind me...and then when he gets off he always calls, and once before bed...or as we're both lying in bed. I love he's the last voice I hear before I fall asleep. oooooh and I found my smallest suitcase, measured it all out, and I'm ready to try and pack only a carry on for my flight..i know right, seems impossible for ME!! I'm determined though not to check my bags...so this weekend when I venture to EI, I will be doing a trial run with the "packing light" ordeal...heheheh
I'm hoping to step up the work out this week and run with the navy peeps at work.. since I have not insanity...just vb and yoga...the weekends have been dedicated to cleaning, laundry, dogs, catching up on tv, sleep, and VOLLEYBALL.
Ok, so on to the venting...and yep, you guessed it...has to do with the ex, which btw I am deleting/blocking from reading my blogs.. You don't want me to play on the vb team with you...the one we won the tournament with, so I am blocking you entirely from my life...no more blogs for you ass hole. It's the final straw, the cutting of the last of the umbilical cord. So friday was the "get in line to get a ticket" for vb day...which usually for the past few seasons I have been the one to handle it or helped him with it.. so I get a call from my girl Jamie, and she's talking about he's in line, but needs someone to go in the am and finish signing us up..i was like i can do it whatever...she then calls me back and says dude...i'm not sure he really wants you on the team...WTF, really dude? after about a month ago you told one of our teammates it's fine, i'm on the team, no problem..I thought for once you could be a man and put aside our differences for the love of VB...guess not, guess some things NEVER CHANGE AND NEVER WILL. So if I would have known this then I could have played with my other current team with vb guy...but nooooooooo thank goodness I have a back up back up...I get to play with my girl Kerri!!! SO EXCITED TO PLAY with her again.. been a while! so no worries...and it's probably a good thing. And besides...he can't hide from me forever.. we're playing on the same night...same league, so I get to KICK his ASS hopefully the both times we play against each other!! suck on that ASS HOLE
Ahh ok, I feel much much better...
Until next time bitches~Prost
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