When I was younger.. much younger I first thought how cool it would be to be a young cool hip mom...as the years went on and the failed marriage, and dating continued, I started to tell myself I haven't dated one person I would want to father my children..pffft..a few years ago I went through a phase (lasting a short week or two, nothing crazy) where all I wanted to do was see a baby, smell one.. but still not get too close you know? Even today when my girl at work brings her kid by..who by the way is cute...still looked like an alien the day after he was born, but I think all babies do...i just saw some pics of one that looked just plain scary.. anyways...so when I see her baby.. I hold'em for a min then back to momma he goes...I can tolerate the older ones much better.. i like when they can wipe their own ass, and talk, and feed themselves without much work.. Like my cousins' kid!! FUCKING AWESOME>> THE COOLEST 5 year old I know! :) So the last few years...just not a huge fan of the kid thing.. and the more i think about what they do to you i mean to you physically and financially.. and socially.. I"m like NO THANNK YOU.. you want me to carry around an alien for 9 months in my stomach.. the stomach i've been trying to flatten for 20 some years..then you want me to shit myself while I push the alien out of my vagina and stretch it out so I can accommodate a 9 pound bowling ball - that alone is a NO THANK YOU.. NEXT. then I have to spend all my time and money for the next 20 years caring for it, teaching it.. oh geeze that's another one.. I would totally fuck up a kid.. i mean it's first word would be MOTHER FUCKER hahahahha.. no thanks.. DOGS are much eaiser!! food twice a day, bath once a week.. treats, toys...walks..naps with momma when we can....and I can beat my dog when he fucks up...people frown upon beating kids so I've heard.. maybe that's what's wrong with people these days... more beatings need to occur.. hmmmmmmmmmmmm
And then the social circle...you want me to play mommy day care, and stop doing what I LOVE..Paleeasse.. I don't think so.. I love my life.. and the life i'm setting up for ME.. no one else ... shit.. if I had one they wouldn't be able to keep up...or I'd forget it at home or something.. I have to give props to all the moms out there doing what you're doing bc I sure as hell couldn't do all that you do... I can barely do me...and I'm perfectly shit.. more then perfectly.. fine with that.. like I said.. my life and future just hold no room for a lil one in it.. well maybe an English bulldog...but no ALIENS..

So, come next week I'll know more about if they're gonna let me go forth with my decision.. i mean damn... 15 years of taking the pill - I'm done yo! I'm sure plenty of you will have your own opinions on this topic..but I've made my decision a long time ago.. i've discussed it with friends and family.. and mom's cool with it.. and besides.. it's my body..if I want to tattoo it up I can...well I know I don't want aliens popping out of it EVER..so cross your fingers this doc will say YES!
Until Next Time Bitches ~ wish me luck!
I don't think its a selfish decision at all. I think it WOULD be selfish to have a baby/alien and then continue your life as I'd nothing changed, and that happens way too damn often! Props to you cuz! BTW - I totally told the nurses to clean Jake before I saw him. That shits just nasty! And thx for the shoutout to my Fucking AWESOME kid :)