I finally bucked up and got my Peekachoo Waxed!! :) YAY!! Now great thought, consideration, and consult with my doc went into this.. a lot of "what if's" kept popping in my head. Like, what if it bleeds, or rips off the skin, or I brake out in a massive rash all before my road trip to see Matty...I've been trying to do this for a few months now.. before I flew to Arkansas I wanted to get it done, but never did.. so finally a few weeks ago.. I was at work looking up some spas in Wilmington I like and feel comfortable with.. and called Bangz...I asked for the first avaialbe waxing please! The lady asked me if I perfered male or female...hmmmmm I never thought about it.. I figured this was going to be a lot like a massage versus the gyno so I answered with a casual "it doesn't matter, whatever's first". Knowing what I know now, I'm glad I ended up with KEN! He's like the Peekachoo Waxing Guru.. Ladies, Men... if you need a waxing look him up!!! FANTASTIC.. but we'll get into that later. Anyways.. so before I had my waxing I had an appointment with my gyno..a woman doc who I love! So as we're chatting and she's scoping out my peekachoo.. i apologize for so much hair lol...and said.. i'm growing it out for my waxing tomorrow... :/. I tell her I've never done it, but have been wanting too.. and she says NOOOO don't do it.. I'm thinking yeah right lady.. this is on my bucket list.. I want to wax it yo.. Then my doc gives me a quick waxing 101 and told me if I'm going to wax just leave a little on top of the hood/peekachoo area for protection hmmmm i thought.. I never thought of that, thanks DOC!
After consulting with my doc, and extensive research on the internet aka google...i was more prepared then before.. thank God.. I had no idea there were so many different types of waxing.. all I knew was bikini and brazilian.. oh noooo just take a look below what I discovered in my search for the perfect waxing:

Not only are there different styles, shapes, and names...there are names within the names..other names used to refer to a Brazilian Wax are Full, G Wax, Hollywood Wax, The Sphynx, Playboy Bikini Wax, or French Bikini Wax...Geeeze-a-pete! As I see these pics I'm thinking the triangles look alright..and that I'd like to keep a little hair ohh or maybe the heart.. but that looks hard.. maybe not for my first time. All I know is the doc said keep a little hair to protect the peekachoo!
I got to the spa.. oh I forgot to mention.. i have to go teach yoga at Jamie's with the girls right after.. EEEKK. So, I check in, they walk me up and I meet Ken..just like his pic on the website.. well much better in person! So we go into the room and right off the bat I tell him it's my first time, and this is on my bucket list, so he is helping me cross of one of my items! he chuckles, I think bc he didn't know exactly what to think of me yet.. here I am in my work clothes, pink yoga mat flip flops, and full sleeve.. nice lil combo...He tells me not to worry and to take off my pants cover up with the towel, and he'll return. So of course I had been driving all the way from work like an hour and a half.. so I was nervous about being hot and sweaty down there so I brought wipes!! yay!! Dropped trough, wiped, and prepared myself on the table.. very comfortable, like a massage table! Ken returns and right off the bat we are laughing cracking jokes which is great! I tell him the doc said to leave a lil on top, but other then that I need a waxing! Remember in my head I'm thinking the triangle right.. hahahahhaa oh noooooo.
So he picks up the towel, and says let's see what we're working with.. oh yes, this will do quite nicely.. awsome I say! let's do it! He talks about this may hurt, but just for a second. He's telling me about other hairy hairy clients making me laugh...now I'm using my breathing techniques as he's about to drop the wax on.. he starts with the top of the peekachoo...which I thought was the most painful...not painful cry, but painful let out a small sreeekkkkckckttt or whoooooo as I did hahah too funny. The warm wax was the best part! It felt amazing!!! I would do it again just to feel the warm wax down there! So, Ken does the top, works on the sides as I'm laying on my back with one leg bent and one straight with my hands above my head holding the table...so now I think that was easy we're all done! Oh nooo noo nooo not done yet.. we have to do the inside of the peekachoo area and the lips OMG i'm thinking are you serious?? you're gonna be down all up in that waxing the lips and everything?!? omg omg omg..boy I wish matt was here to hold my hand...I told Ken that too.. he said oh he can come in.. :( he's not here I said.. he's in Arkansas.. but I'm seeing him this weekend.. so surprising him with the waxing :) !!! Ken was a fan of this!! Oh Matt's gonna love this he said! :) so the inside of the peekachoo done..no pain..then the lips..no pain!! Amazing! Now I know we're done!! Then Ken says ok flip over..WHAT? I raised my eyebrows at him and said hahah you're joking right...no he said it's included in the brazialian...oh is that what we're doing I said?! hahah funny.. I don't think so dude.. He said trust me.. it won't even hurt.. the skin in the back is tougher.. the hard part is over with...hmmmmmmmmmmm. As i'm "flipping" over he says, but lay flat don't flip over to all fours..that will make me laugh..so then I laugh.. he tells me how some waxer's like for us to be on all fours for this part of the waxing, Ken doesn't not.. ! yay! this is weird I tell him.. I wish I had a camera on my face at this point..I'm asking him, you're gonna put the wax where? and be all up in the butt..omg omg omg.. I can't believe this is happening I tell him.. we just met lol.. So he dives right in, wax into the butt, then rips it off and repeats several times..goes by fast and smoothly though!! Now, I"M DONE!! 45 minutes later and some good laughs, I have a nice clean, bare, but not all bare peekachoo!! He called mine the Sphinx bc he left some on top lol.. too funny. I had no clue there were so many styles, names, and definetly was not aware that they wax your asshole.. gives a whole new meaning to asshole vaughan! lol But, he was totally right about being cleaner, and hygiene purposes it's great. He advised me that eventing to take a warm bath to soak the peekachoo..i did not tell him I was going straight to yoga afterwards...oops. Well, I did it! I waxed the peekachoo, and weeks later I'm still in love with it!!! I recommend it to all! I look at strangers, co-workers, and randoms and wonder to myself hmmm I wonder if they wax, and if so what they have going on down there...
Until Next Time ~ Wax it off yo
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