Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 1

Day 1

So I survived day one with no alcohol or smokes...but i guess it's pretty easy to do when you're hungover most of the day, and slept the rest.. Dang.. I am getting older. At least I'm starting to feel it anyways.. ugggg. 

Oh well~ It's a new year mother fuckers!! So the goal I guess is to blog every night and talk about how I'm keeping my new year's resolutions....and how hard it is not drinking...less drinking more doing other shit i need to get done!! 

So, I did accomplish the whole not drinking and smoking, however didn't work out - unless you count taking down the Christmas lights as cardio..guess not. but i do see a bath in my future tonight yay! I guess that's it...

until next time ~ prost 

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