Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 13

NO Alcohol, No Meat, No Fast Food, No Coffee...tea all day!

Day 4 No Smokes ---ugggggggggggggg As I was packing my bag for work today, I put my hand on my pack of smokes left over from the weekend, picked them up, and put them right back down. GOSH that was HARD. I thought for a split second, hmmm a smoke otw to work sounds, tastes, and would feel good. Then i said NO. My least favorite word of all, especially if I'm trying to use it on myself - geeeze a pete. 

So I didn't work out work out, but I did take the pups for a nice long walk, went and watched my buddies play freezing ass vb (they won both)!!!, and met vb guy..chatted for a few minutes, then after the games, we all went out for ice cream..i know it sounds corny, but it was fun.. chatted up a little more. All I kept thinking about was getting home to skype with Matty Ice for the first time, and JERSEY SHORE! OMG so I was at Capt Bills, one of my favorite places to drink hot cider and tuacca, mmmmm and I didn't even have any alcohol...whoaaa.. Gracie was like the usual.. and I was like nah.. just cider, I'm on a sabbatical :( but cider without the alcohol is waaaaay cheaper!! whoo hooo 

I finally got to see Matty and skyped!! I'm happy now!! I can go to bed, oh wait.. after Jersey Shore of course!! Jersey Shore in bed is great! 

The country road trip is still on the books, however it looks like i'll be flying solo..:( booooo, but I'm a big girl I think I can handle it, right? I'm still excited, nervous, and just all over the place. What to pack? what to wear? what if they don't like me in the country?! hahahahanana 

I'm tired now..night night..

Until next time ~ prost

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