Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy Times are here again...

I didn't realize you could be so happy with such a short period of time. Could be the "honeymoon" phase of whatever this fighting, independent, hard working, big ole truck driving, country music listening.....goodness! But I guess it is true what I have been telling everyone else.. how can you expect to be happy with someone else until you can be happy with yourself. And you know what?? I am happy..I'm gettin' shit done this year, I feel motivated to move foward, open the next chapter of my crazy adventure I call LIFE.

yeah I guess you could say I'm smittened..I smile just thinking about him...damn, I'm not ready for this again..and the way he looks at me makes me just wanna melt like butter on popcorn. Who knew all it took was a country boy..hmmmmm!  

The brain says this is stupid, stop thinking about him, get over it...keep dating, keep going out, meeting new people, going to lunches and such...but then whatever is not the brain is making me feel funny; not just the butterflies funny either. Lump in the throat, obsessively looking at our pics together (i mean we do take really awesome pictures), my stomach drops, something inside of me is screaming, I can't stop smiling, and he won't get out of my freaking head...ugggugug What the hell is happening?! Then the question is what do I do with it...put up the usual "i don't trust people" wall and back the fuck off, or let down the guard completely and just plunge right into whatever this is....

text of the weekend/day - "how the hell do i miss you so much already" :) 

Until Next Time ~ Prost 

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