Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 6

Day 6...fucking everything went wrong this morning.. not only is the heat downstairs out, that's not the problem.. i'm dealing with that and using my Netti pot for my sinus drip...but as I was in the shower this morning la la la shower shower shower my light went out in my shower.. geeze a pete.. I just thought well it's been 5 years, the lights how do I change the damn thing?? Then, I heard my not one but two of my heaters stopped..hmmm My first thought was there is a serial killer turning off my lights waiting to slit my throat...but I continued my shower anyways. I got out, unplugged the heaters, then peeked my head outside my bathroom door into my bedroom to make sure the serial killer hadn't gotten my doggies. Luckily they were sound asleep in my bed..damn guard dogs..hahaha so then I put my robe on, head to the kitchen to make tea, turn on my laptop to duh check my fb...and BAM no Internet..What the FUCK? Oh well, got my tea and back to the bathroom where mind you only my main lights are working. No closet light, no toilet light, no outlets...but it's cool, I can no Internet means no Pandora in the morning along with the news so I said screw it MTV it is..WHOA.. they do still play music..just at 5am :) After getting ready, I went into the computer room to investigate the no Internet situation..ohhh we got a
S I T U A T I O N...unst unst usnt..
usually I can "re-adjust" something and it works...but nooooo not this time.. so I said screw it...yelled up at my roommate said I'm not dealing with this right now.. she came down, went to the garage, flipped a switch and presto-chango every thing works again! yay! I was even able to fb for a few minutes while my car heated up and sipped on some yummy tea. But wait there's more.. hahaha I'm walking out to my car with my 4 inch heels, two bags, coat on, book in tow, when I hear my jam!! I was like sweet my jam's on the radio unst unst unst...then I started vibrating.. damn phone.. who the hell is calling me at 5:55am? I get settled in the car, seat warmers on to find out it was my girl needing a ride to work! hahahah no worries otw be ready :) Now the only bad outcome of the morning is I forgot to put my freaking mascara on...shit.. this is like the one thing I need you know.. i guess i'll have to wing it today or go buy a new one..uggg. But I haven't even wanted a cigarette!! yeah!


Possible dinner date tonight too!! whoo hoo this day is shaping up to be GREAT! 

...Well no dinner date, but I did catch up with some peeps after work...mainly to get signatures for the PLUNGE, but I did squeeze a Coffee break in there too! :) Then I couldn't resist, as I was rounding the corner of the coffee shop, there is was...the mecca of Fresh food - the FRESH MARKET!! It was calling my name, so I dove right in and found dinner! yum, all raw delicious foods! mozzarella balls, mushrooms, artichokes, yum! 

Ohh and I did hear from "dog cop" guy and Oklahoma...just a few text back and forth..but whatever...We'll see who comes out for the PLUNGE.

Text of the day: "not sure when the rock n roll pain train is gonna take off"...hahahahaaa Love love love my country boys!! hahahah OH Yeah.. they're otw to town, AGAIN!!! I can't wait to see them...won't be tonight though, it's JERSEY SHORE and bed time soon, but tomorrow it's ON!!!! Can't wait to see you guys! :) 

So, No ALcohol, no smokes (although I did crave one twice today in the car. I saw someone next to me smoking and I was like ahhh that looks good, but then I made myself look away and the light turned green), No meat, No fast food, and I worked out! 

Well, I guess that's it..besides the passive aggressive LDB at work...but I consulted with my work peeps, and handled it with class! hahaah Go me! 

until next time ~ prost 

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