Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 11

NO Alcohol
NO Meat
NO Fast Food

Day 2 No smokes - i didn't even smoke while driving in my car today... i left them at home.. that helps.

The No Meat and fast food are easy...i don't want to eat that shit, so I don't...the alcohol is getting easier...it's easy when people around you aren't drinking! ...I have a feeling though this weekend, I might just crack... :-/
I really really really need to work out today.. it's so easy to just lay around and nap and watch tv when you're snowed in...ahauauahghuguhauhgahgau

AHHHHHHH It feels Sooooo GOOOOOOOD after i work out and shower and do shit for me! :) I love me some yoga!! Great workout again!!! Getting back into the swing of getting up early for work tomorrow... no delays...boooo but glad to be getting back to work.. I'm starting to get cabin fever. 

Today was a good day for Resolutions! I did the damn thing today!!!

Until next time ~ prost

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