Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 27


FIrst of all I want to apologize for my ADD blogs lately..I feel like I have just been all over the place, but like I tell my friends, when I'm writing I write like I'm talking to if my brain is being a lil ADD, then so will my blogs.. I'll try and keep it under wraps :)

Since it is nearing the end of the month, I wanted to give you guys an end of the month report on the the last 27 days I have had one bite of deer meat, drank 4 days, ate fast food (taco bell) once, and well the smoking - the smoking is a bitch..haven't had any today so far, but the day's not over. uggg I had one otw to lunch...ugggg f'n Jess..hahahah not her feels so natural and right with the world to have one in my hand..ahhhhh. One of these days...maybe I need to be hypnotized, hmmmm.Oh Geeze, i had another one..damn.

So, I forgot to mention last night that I got IT!! I got gma's approval from country heheheh :) This is a pretty big deal...I mean other then the best friends approval or roommate or parents, it's the gma who matters the most, so that was good news!! I was telling my girl at work what gma had said about me, that i was "cute as a button and has a wonderful personality". Bruce said, duh, tell me something I don't know lol.. true.. but it's still wonderful to hear :)

My head is starting to race like a girl, and i'm not liking it one bit..I keep trying to turn it off, think about something else, and flat out tell's no big deal dude, STOP.
This morning was strange, I woke up at 0330 and felt well rested, so laid back down thinking oh I'll just rest until 04 and be cool, get up and get shit done..but when I woke up at 04 I felt sooo tired and least I was carpooling today (due to my POS car) and got to catch a lil cat nap before work :) yay! I wish I could sleep all day...I think I might try that this anyways, I was up and moving around and staring at the one thing all girls stare at in their closet (well at least I do). I stare at them everyday at least twice a day. Now, HB stares at her pics of bikini babes on the fridge for motivation, my vice are my clothes!! Specifically the skinny jeans, or what I call my retired pants. The pants you sit aside, or hide, or box up until that one day when you'll be able to wear them in public again!! So I now have my retired pants in my closet on the shelf so as soon as I walk in, they're the first thing I see...I was feeling a lil confident this morning, I guess from playing vb last night and weighing a lil lighter the other day. So, i did it, I started with one pair, two, three, and four pairs I was a trying on machine this morning!!! One pair is back on the hangers, my fun tight low rise jeans that make my butt look amazing are now able to button...however, there is still a lil muffin top going not ready for public yet, but hopefully by next thursday when I hit up the big country again ;) Mission Sexy Jeans is on..meaning work outs everyday until thursday..I worked out wednesday, vb last night, plan on yoga tonight, I have yoga friday morning...vb saturday and If i just keep it going and try not to drink anymore milkshakes this week I should be ok heheheeeee Why do I love milkshakes soooo much? I think I can go a week without one though, I mean it will totally be worth it, to slide into my sexy jeans, and a lil something something for my country weekend ;) Damn it's still a week away...uggg but at least today is almost over! so really we're looking at 6 days and a wake up :) MUWAH. 

 So my dear dear friend Cam hooked it up on the window tonight!! whoo hooo it's up and he said he can fix it this weekend! saweet!! Awesome!! Thank you sooooo much! So after my window was fixed, i should have gone home and worked out, but house duties called, cleaning, laundry, and cooking...yum stuffed jalapenos with potatoes, cheese, and other yummy ingredients!! hmmmm. Now time for Jersey SHORE UNST UNST UNST and bed.. I miss my baby MUWAH. . 

Ohh another thing I thought of today is I think I will be dropping the "Day #" in the title of my blogs after this month and just title them accordingly, but still have the number inside my blog...hmm hmm yep, that's what I'll do...unless of course I forget..numbering is just so easy lol. 

Until next time bitches ~ unst unst unst 

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