Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 14


Day 14 NO Alcohol, meat, fast food, and day 5 no smokes...chewing the gum now! :)

Worked out, did my yoga with my marines. Nothing else too exciting to report...busy studying for the test tomorrow and packing for my road trip!! So excited!!!!!!! I want it to be tomorrow 4pm already :) I asked Matty what I should pack as if I was asking HB...his response "Jeans and whatever you girls wear with them"..uggg that does not help - thx. I mean I'm going to the country with no side kick, no body guard, no security...I mean...come on...I'm trying to not look like an ass out there lol. Oh well, I'm figuring it out on my own...Since I probably won't be near a lap top or computer to blog this weekend...I apologize in advance...but I"m sure I'll have PLENTY to talk about when I get back!! Wish me luck, cross your fingers, and text/call me tomorrow as I"ll be truckin across the state!!! Can't wait to see you Matty ;). Ready or not country here I COME!!! 

until next time ~ prost

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