Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 4

OMG so I hit a mother fucking deer this morning otw to work.. WTF!!!! Well, it was already dead, but still... uggggg It was just laying there in the middle of the road, taking up the whole lane, and of course the road is dark at 6am...can't see the damn thing until I'm right on top of it, oh well at least My Silver Bullet was..Good Ole Bug!! She's a beauty.. gotten me through a lot - one divorce, two deers, a little bumper to bumper on college rd...I still am thinking about trading her in though.. i need something a lil better on gas.. a hybrid, a jetta...I think I might be ready for a change, but I won't tell her that just yet..shhhh.

On a lighter note, no cravings today! Well, so far anyways :)

OMG so today was busy busy busy... felt like someone spiked my coffee..I had so much freakin energy...i was running around, getting shit done!! Felt good..  full day tomorrow too, but at least it will go by fast! Can't wait for the weekend...well thursday for that matter!!! The Country is coming back... they just can't get enough of us at the beach!!! I love love love my country boys!!! 

Had a great night with momma dukes...she's a lil sick..but we had a great chat...prob because I'm so hopped up on my energy buzz hahahaha..anyways.. NO alcohol, no smokes, no meat, no fast food...so far so good.. getting easier!! staying  busy helps :) 

Ok, so, day 4 done!! about to head to bed...trying to do that earlier too...hahaha..fuck tomorrow's wed... geeze... so much to do so little time!!! Go go go... boys are coming thursday!!!! whooo hooo :) 

quote of the day..."I've just never met a girl like you" ;) awwwww

until next time ~ prost

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