Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 3

Day 3...

I really really really wanted a cigarette at like 6:15am this morning omw to work...thank God I didn't have any.. really? it's gonna be like this everyday? uggggggggg hopefully momma dukes will hook it up on the patches ASAP!

works good, not too stressful.. polar plunge this weekend, testing for school, lining up some dates...hopefully :) mardi gras planning..

the no alcohol and meat are pretty easy so far.. i like veggies anyways :) ooohhh and the yoga studio is having a special this month.. i have to get over there asap..i like my old routine of going straight to the studio after work..that way no excuses for not working out!

i miss my hb. 

OMG I FEEL GREAT!! Just got done working out! whoo hooo I don't even want a smoke! I feel like I have been so productive today...after work hit up some starbucks, cleaned out my car, date night dt with some sushi!!! then home to walk the dogs for 17min and some hard core yoga for may not sound like much, but I feel great.. everyone should do yoga :) ok now onto some new Intervention.. good night all 

until next time ~ prost 

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