Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 7 - late

DAY 7 (yesterday) I know I know I'm late.. the blog that is, so here's the short version, work was great, yoga was awesome, the boys came into town, sushi, downtown, neighborhood bar, back dt, jimbos....and the best part is I didn't DRINK! I was the DD all hopped up on Sugar Free Red Bull and water - i was peeing like a mother fucker....but....i slipped up and had a smoke or 5. DAMN IT> this is really HARDER THEN I THOUGHT IT WAS GOING TO BE... I was sooooo proud of myself for making it 7 days.....I broke down around my question now is...does the count day start over or can I just say it was a slip and keep counting? hmmmmmmm I probably already know the as I'm waking up day 8 no alcohol, no meat, no fast food, day 1 no smoking AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

K, I gotta get some coffee in me and my GAGA costume for the PLUNGE - Will Blog Later....btw - great great great time last night SOBER! :) saw a TOOOOOOONNNN of people downtown too ahhahahhahaha first thing they would say "OMG let me buy you a shot" ahhhhh i was like nah i'm good... not drinking this month HA!

And the house is finally getting warmer thanks to a new space heater and some DTS time ;)

until next time ~ prost

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